Chapter 10: A Day Spent With My Man Part 1

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(Justin's POV)
How could I have been so stupid? So fucking stupid. How could I just walk away from Ariana like that? she was supposed to be the one to change my life around. and now I've gone and messed it up like I always do. I hopped outta bed grabbing my phone. as soon as I grabbed it a message shot across my screen from my friend Ryan.


"Hey did u hear about Ariana going out with Zayn from 1D??" he said in the message.

"What tf are u talking about bro??" I replied back to him.

"They're going out Zayn confirmed it on Twitter last night." he said.

I clicked on Twitter. and clicked on Ariana's profile. and clicked on the tweet  she retweeted to her page.

"Yes it's true I am dating the wonderful @ArianaGrande.I love you so much Bae and I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I love you so much goodnight."

I reread the tweet at-least ten times
before throwing my phone on the ground. All my anger built up inside of me. How could she play me like that. I thought she loved me enough to try and work this thing out. and then she goes off and date's Zayn Malik? From this moment forward fuck Ariana Grande. And guess what? Old Justin is back and it's time for me to call in someone who is always there when I need them.

"Hey! how fast can u get here??" I sunt to her I needed her right here right now.

From: Selena
"Already on my way "!!!!!!!! she replied back.

Haha two can play at this game

(Ariana's POV)
I woke up today in the most happiest mood of all moods. I hopped outta bed before hitting the shower. I began singing my song "You'll Never Know" out loud, so loud that Frankie started banging on the wall telling me to shut up with all the racket I was making. I stepped out wrapping my towel around me, before heading to my closet. I decided to wear a pearl cardigan with a poodle style skirt. I decided to get dressed before starting on my hair and makeup. As I was applying the finishing touches to my hair. A message from Zayn flashed across my screen.

From Zayn:😘
Babe, I have a fantastic date planned for you and I tonight, but meet me at the studio first. I have a surprise for ya"

I replied back. before grabbing a pair of my black heels. and slipping them on before heading down the spiral staircase. I was so excited to see him today, but for someone reason Justin was on my mind. no matter how hard I try I can't stop thinking about him. He was on my mind from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed at night. my heart ached for him but I had to let him go at least for right now. I walked into the kitchen to find a note from my mother. that basically said she would be gone for a few days. I sat the note back down on the counter, so Frankie would be able to see it when he wakes up. I grabbed a water bottle before heading out the door to my car. I pulled out the driveway before making my way to the studio to see my sweet little prince.

Zayn's POV (woohoo Zayn's POV)
I was on the phone, with my team going over the finishing touches for my date with Ariana. I couldn't wait to see her. I looked down at the outfit I was wearing. and I realized that I've been here since this morning, I mean I couldn't be romantic in a tank and sweats. So I walked over to my car, grabbing my changing clothes before heading to the bathroom to change. I had on a simple collared shirt with some slacks, and a pair of dress shoes. I didn't have time to do my hair so bed head it is. I headed back outside to see her car pulling up in the parking lot. I walked over to her opening the door, before she stepped out. DAMN!!! she looked beautiful. I grabbed her by the waist pulling her in, placing a soft kiss on her lips.

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