Chapter 15: ❤️ Off To New York.

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(Ariana's Point Of View)
We pulled up to the LAX airport my first concert was going to start in New York City. I hopped out the car, and started to walk towards the airport. but before I did that I stopped to take a few pics, and sign some autographs for my Arianators. who have been waiting here since this morning to see me. When I finished I walked into the lobby. Scooter and Nathan were already there, waiting for me. When they saw me, they walked over.

"Hey! Ariana, ready to kick off this tour???" Scooter asked.

"As ready, as I'll ever be." I said.

"Ok, well you two can just sit over there, and chat while they bring your bags in. The plane doesn't leave till 3:15. it's 2:45 right now. and here are your tickets." Scooter said, handing us are tickets.

While we were waiting we decided to browse through a couple of stores first. Nathan and I, decided to walk into this cute little store. I went straight for the clothes and Nathan went straight for the accessories. Nathan ran over to me to show me these cool new shades he picked up.

"How do I look??" he asked.

"You look handsome." I said turning my attention back to a pair of louboutins.

"Mmmmmmm.... I know right!!" he said and walked back over to the shades sections.

I walked over to the cashier and Nathan put his shades and some shoes on the counter. I placed my stuff on the counter as well. The cashier asked for my credit card and I handed it over to her, she slid it across the machine and handed it back to me. Nathan grabbed his bags, and I grabbed mine. we decided to walk over to the food court and grab a bite to eat since we both skipped breakfast this morning.

"Damn! Ari that's a lot of bags you got there." Nathan said. and I started to laugh.

"Damn! Nathan that's a lot of shades you have there." I said. and we both started to laugh again.

"Thanks for, inviting me." Nathan said.

"No problem." I said taking a bite out of my vegetarian pizza.

"Guys, it's 3:00. it's time to go." Scooter said. We finished our food, and grabbed our bags and proceeded to walk through security. they checked our bags, and searched us to see if we had any weapons on us. which was unnecessary. why in the world would I have a weapon on me? I shook my head, as we walked on through and up to the plane entrance. we boarded the plane and I was so happy. because we got our own private plane I don't have to deal with the screaming nagging children and annoying people like last time.

"Hahaha! Nathan guess who got the window seat." I teased, him sticking my tongue out.

He just laughed.. as he sat beside me. I pulled out my phone and my headphones from my back pocket. and plugged them in 'Glad You Came' began to play.

"Put on your seat-belts and get ready for take off." The pilot announced, My seat-belt was already on. I layed my head on Nathan's shoulder and next thing I know I'm asleep. but before I'm fully asleep, Nathan reaches over and kisses the top of my head.

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(Justin's Point Of View)
"Panama thank you, y'all were off the charts tonight!!!!!!!" I yelled into the microphone, looking out to all the fans my beliebers are everything to me and they know it.

I waved goodbye one, more time before heading backstage.

"Good job Man," Chaz said, patting me on the back.

"Thanks, Man," I replied. wiping the sweat from my face.

I grabbed my phone and unlocked it dialing Ariana's number it rang, three times but she didn't pick up. I wonder if she was still mad about what happened last night? I set my phone aside and went into my dressing room to change into some sweats and a tank. I gathered up all my stuff and exited the arena and hopped into the tour bus. but before I did that I took a few pics and signed a couple autographs it took me a few minutes to calm a crying girl who said that my music inspired her not to self harm herself. I walked over to my bunk bed, and layed down not before taking a shower tho. I grabbed my MacBook and posted a message on Twitter.

@JustinBieber: "Panama y'all were really live tonight! thank you to all the fans, who came out to see me ily guys so much!!!😘"

When I finished tweeting, I ended up on Netflix. watching "Bates Motel" and thinking about Ariana and why she didn't answer my call.

"Aye, Justin!!" Ryan, yelled out.

"Yea!" I called out.

"Let's go, out to the club man. I need to find me a nice little chick. and bring her home." Ryan said looking at his phone.

"Alright let me get dressed first" I replied. walking over to my closet and pulling out a pair of skinny jeans, and a black t-shirt. I grabbed my white supras and quickly slipped them on. I headed into the bathroom and blow-dryed the top of my hair to perfection. I walked outta the bathroom and into the living room.

"Ready??" Chaz and Ryan asked.

"Hell! yea let's go!!" I replied. and we walked out of the room, and down the hall to the elevator. I pressed the down button, and we waited for it to hit the bottom floor. the elevator dinged and the doors opened up, we stepped out. and walked out of the hotel. our limo pulled up and we stepped inside. we pulled up to Club la Vela which I heard is the biggest nightclub, in the United States. we stepped out and showed the person our ID's and stepped inside. we walked over to the bar area and ordered a few drinks. I stepped out on the dance floor. and started to dance as I was dancing a blonde girl walked over to me and ran her hands over my chest.

"Wanna dance baby!!" she yelled over the music.

"Yea! I'll dance with you baby!!" I whispered in her ear. as she started to grind up against my dick. I mean the girl was hot! so why not dance with her? it's just a dance.

We danced up on each other and stuff for two more songs. and as the night progressed, I was starting to get tired. and I was starting to walk away, the girl grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me back on the dance floor. she grabbed my hands and wrapped them around her waist, and started to grind into me some more.


We made it back to the hotel. well after three in the morning, and I was drunk as shit. stumbling all over the place, and puking. we get off the elevator and walked into our suite. I immediately got into bed, and closed my eyes. thinking about my baby girl Ari.

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