Chapter 25: First Date.

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(Ariana's POV)

It was completely silent outside. Frankie's muffled snores droned through the walls. I lay back against the pillow, still sleepy. I stared at the walls of my room, bleached pink in the sunlight, from my half awake half asleep eyes.

I let my mind wander idly for a moment, expecting sleep to take me back under. But, after a few minutes, I found myself up and alert, I look at the clock it reads ten a.m. anxiety creeps back into my stomach, twisting it into uncomfortable and uncompromising positions. The bed seemed to heavy, like it was getting ready to crush under the pressure of my wild and delirious mind.

It was going to be a very long day today.

Giving up, I went to the bathroom and peeked out through the long windows that were inside my bathroom that looked over the whole back side of my house. In the sky above, the sun was shining looking a little lopsided, A small movement caught my eye — it was a cute little bird a humming bird I believe.

A rush of heat flashed across my skin. I took a couple of deep breaths and walked back over to the large mirror that stretched crossed my counter. I looked exactly like I'd been sleeping all day. I grabbed my brush and yanked it harshly through the snarls of my hair until it was smoothed out and the bristles was full of hair.

I brushed my teeth meticulously, twice. Then I washed my face and splashed some water onto the back of my neck, which was feeling feverish I hoped I wasn't coming down with something. I don't want to have to cancel my date with Justin.

My date with Justin.

My ever so-intolerable subconscious tells me. It's just a date. A uncomplicated date, with Justin. The thought seems so absurd actually I mean I spent the last thirteen days without him and here we are going out on a "date" I think people who are trying to distance themselves usually don't end up going on a date with the person their trying to distance themselves from. It still dosen't make sense to me but since I've gotten with him nothing has ever made sense to me.

When the water hit my arms it felt so good, and finally I decided to just hop in the shower. because I needed to calm down, and hot water was one reliable way to do it.

Plus, shaving my legs seemed like a good idea. a pretty good one. When I was done, I grabbed a huge white towel off the counter and wrapped it under my arms.

Then I was faced with a dilemma I hadn't even considered. What was I going to wear tonight?

My breathing started to accelerate again and my hands trembled — so much for the calming effects of the shower. I started to feel a little lightheaded, evidently a full-scale panic attack on the way. I sat down on the cool tile floor on my huge towel and put my head between my knees. I prayed that Frankie wouldn't come look for me before I pulled myself together. I could imagine the look on his face and what he would think if he saw me going to bits and pieces on this floor. It wouldn't be hard for me to convince him that everything was ok. I would just saying I was having one of those teenage girl moments where the girl freaks out about what to wear on her first date.

And I wasn't freaking out because I thought we were making a huge mistake. Not at all. I was freaking out because I had no idea what to wear, or what to expect from this I probably shouldn't expect much though as usual. I was afraid to walk out of this bathroom. I knew I wasn't ready yet. I felt like I was walking out in front of theater full of thousands with no idea what my lines were.

I wonder how people did this — swallow all their fears and trust someone else so wholeheartedly with every imperfection and fear they had — it was honestly so terrifying.

I finally rose up from the floor. and walked back into my room slipping on a pair of skinny jeans and a simple white tee and slipped on my uggs. I quickly plugged up my blow dryer, and quickly blow dried my hair. I decided to not wear make up I mean I looked ok with out.

I grabbed my keys and decided to drive to my happy place. I stepped in my car, and backed out of the driveway, and decided to take the long way. to allow myself some time to think along the way.

(Justin's POV)

"Long time no see." Scooters says as I step into his house.

I take in the white marbled granite floor, No doors, but archways instead. long ass hallways leading to the courtyard, followed by the longest spiral staircase imaginable. The walls are filled with mosaics on the walls, and huge chandeliers hang from the ceiling.

"Damn scoot you really know how to make a guy feel special don't you?" I tease.

He laughs. "So you came to talk to me? I suppose?" He asks.

I nod stating the obvious. "Yea, I did."

"About what?" He asks and I sit on the large leather chair which is ridiculously with out a doubt expensive.

"Ariana, what else?" I roll my eyes at him.

"Oh. Aren't you suppose to be giving her some space?"

"I am giving her space." I snap.

"Woah. chill the attitude dude I was just asking geez." He puts his arms behind his head and crosses his legs across the dark oak table.

"Will she still you?" He asks.

"No she won't." As much as I want to see her I ignore the sudden need too.

"So what do you want to talk about?" He dismisses my attitude.

"It's about the date shit I asked her on, I don't know what to do about it, I've already asked her."

"Hmmm. Date shit? How nice." He smiles.

"Are you going to help me or not?"

"I suppose." He rolls his eyes.

"Where is she anyway?" He asks. as he gets up and walks into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and I follow behind him.

"She's home." I say. and he tosses a bottle to me.

(Please vote and comment <3 I will be updating again tomorrow 😘)

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