Chapter 24: Nightmare

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(Ariana's POV)
When I opened my eyes in the morning, something was different.

It was the light, It was still the gray-green light of a cloudy day, but it was clearer somehow. I realized there was no fog veiling my window.

I jumped up to look outside, and then squealed with surprise.

A fine layer of snow covered the yard, dusted the top of the trees, and whitened the road. But that wasn't the only thing it covered. It also covered all the cars in the yard - coating it with a very thick layer of snow.

Frankie and My mom were already gone before I got downstairs. they said they were headed out of town some where; but I don't know where exactly. I found myself reveling in the aloneness instead of being lonely.

The hot water from the shower couldn't be rushed. It unknotted the muscles in my back, calmed my pulse. The familiar smell of my shampoo made me feel so good. I tried not to think of Justin, and what he might be doing, because then my curiosity would get the better of me. I shut off the water, toweling hastily, trying to rush myself.

I rubbed the towel through my hair again, and yanked a brush through it quickly. I threw on a pair of lace jeans, a Mickey mouse sweater, topping my look off with a pair of Uggs. I put on some additional make up and headed for the door.

My car seemed to have no problems with the thick ice that covered the roads. I drove carefully, though, not wanting to carve a path of destruction through Main Street.

My stomach is practically in my throat as I approach the large restaurant and pull open the heavy glass doors. Zayn is sitting in the far right corner looking at his phone. When his eyes meet mine a huge smile instantly takes over his face and he stands to greet me. He's dressed in a long black sleeve shirt and jeans.

"Hey." He smiles reaching to give me a hug automatically I inhale his scent.

"Hey." I say back.

"I already ordered our food, it should be here soon." He tells me as I sit down.


We exchanged a few comments on the weather, which was wet and cold, and that was pretty much it. Because our food arrived.

"How did you know I was vegan??" I asked, taking a bite out of my organic sushi.

"Google." He replies, taking a bite out of his chicken parmesan.

I laugh and continue eating my sushi.

"How did everything go last-night." He takes a bite out of his chicken.

I begin to feel uneasy and irritated again as I flashback to Me and Justin's bizarre argument all the screaming and the pain started to take it's course.

"It was a disaster at first, like it always is."

"Really?" He raised one eyebrow, tilting his head.

"We fought but it's sort of better now." I say, chewing on my straw.

"What do you mean sort of better?" He questioned, his lips in a tight line.

"He apologized."

"Let me guess you fell for it to?" His tone was hard, cynical even.

"Ariana! Have you lost your mind? You can't be that stupid! Tell me you're joking!" He hysterically yells.

Eyes were turned toward our table, and I had to calm myself mentally and physically.

"No, I'm not going to jump back into that craziness yet." I say.

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