Chapter 14: ❤️ Goodbye For Now.

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Justin's POV.
I am.. honestly such a fuck up. I was just so pissed, pissed off. that Ariana went through my phone. One second, I feel ok but the next, I blow up. I slowly got out of bed and headed over to take a shower, I step out the shower. wrapping the towel around my waist. When I enter the room I hesitate whether or not to text Ariana. Last night was fucking explosive.

Today is the day my tour begins, I was packing away all of my things. But I have and needed to apologize to Ariana. and let her know that I'm sorry, for everything last night. God. I was a fucking idiot.

As, I'm browsing through the photos of Ari and I. there's a knock at the door.

"It's open!!" I yell, and Chaz opens up the door.

"The Limo's, Here Man." Chaz says.

"Ok cool, I'll be down, in a sec." I said.

I walked into the bathroom to style my hair in it's usual style blow drying it to perfection. I walk over to my bed, and slip on my boxers. and my shorts along, with a simple white t-shirt. I grabbed all my suitcases. and brought them down stairs,
so my people could put it in the limo for me. I looked around, the place one last time. before walking out locking the door behind me.

I hopped in the backseat of the limo, while they were loading up my stuff in the trunk. while they were doing that. I sunt a brief little message to Ari. and I took out my headphones. and plugged them in. I closed my eyes as we took off for the airport.

Ariana's POV.

I pulled up into the driveway of my house I switched the car off, But before I got out my phone rang. I looked at the screen and my heart dropped. Justin was calling. I gathered up all the strength inside of me and answered the phone.

"Hello..." I say, my voice barely a whisper.

"Hey... uhm... How's it going?" He asks, cautiously treading lightly.

"I'm fine, I guess." treading lightly as well.

"Ari! I'm sorry about last night. I don't know what happened. It's just..... It's just... Hell I don't know." He says.

"Yea, we have a lot to talk about." I confess. leaning my head against the steering wheel.

"Well I have to go. I'm on my way to Glendale." He says.

"For.. what? If you don't mind me asking." My voice thin and shaky.

"Because I'm going on tour." He breathes.

"Oh. Well I'll talk to you later. Have fun." I say.

"I love you, Ariana." The words leave his mouth and my heart catches in my throat.

"I love you too, Justin." I finally manage to say.

I hopped out the car locking it behind me. As I was walking up the driveway, my phone went off again I reached in my back pocket, and pulled out my phone. Justin.

From Justin 😍:

"I will always love you, never forget that." I smiled at the message before locking my phone I opened up the front door Frankie & My Mom were sitting on the couch smiling there hearts out. Before I could even ask, what was up they told me.

"YOU'RE GOING ON TOUR!!!!!!!!" They yelled in unison.

"WHAT????" I screamed at them.

"Yea Scooter called, and said pack your bags because you're going on tour to promote "Yours Truly".
My mom said tears in her eyes.

"Awww Mom don't cry." I said, walking over and giving her a hug.

"I can't help it! I'm just, so excited for my baby." she said wiping her tears away.

"Well guess, I'll get packing then." I said. and headed up the spiral staircase.

I can't believe I'm going on tour I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I walked over to my closet. and began packing up my clothes making sure I get everything I need. As I was putting my shoes into my suitcase. my phone rang and I picked it up without bothering to see who was calling.

"Hello ...." I say into the phone.

"Hey Ariana, it's Nathan." the voice said through the phone. and I swear I almost dropped it.

"What's up??" I said, not really knowing what to say.

"I heard you're going on tour." he said.

"Yea I am" I say. playing with the ends of my hair.

"Well congratulations, I know you're going to do well." he said.

"Thanks! so much, I appreciate that." I said.

"Well I'll let you, get to it then." he said.

"Nathan wait!" The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"Yea." he said.

"I was wondering would you like to come on tour with me? I need a companion to accompany me on this trip." I said.

"Sure I would love, to come I'll see you at the airport ok." he said.

"Ok,"was all I said.

"Well Alright, Bye Ari." Nathan said.

"Bye, Nathan" I said.

I hung up the phone, and continued to pack. when I finished packing, I dragged all my stuff downstairs. I set my stuff in the living room. and sat down on the sofa. I fiddled with my hands for a bit until the limo pulled up.

"Limo's Here!!!!!!" Frankie yelled.

"Thanks, Frankster." I said.

The chauffeur began putting my stuff in the limo. and I just watched him as he carried my things to the car. My Mom and Frankie walked over to my side.

"Well guys, this is it." I said tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh! I'm gonna miss you so much." my mom cried pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm gonna, miss you too." I said.

We let go of each other, and I looked over at Frankie who looked like he was about to lose it.

"I can't believe, you're leaving" Frankie said. wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh! Frankie please don't say that, I'll try to visit when I'm on break" I said. hugging him tightly. I really am going to miss my family.

"We're Ready For, You Ms. Grande." Albert said.

"Okay Albert, I'll be out in a sec." I said, I hugged my family goodbye one last time before stepping into the limo. and watching my house fade as we drove


😜 Aaliyah!!!!!!!!!!

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