Jariana's Christmas Day

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Hey guys! In honor of Christmas I though I'd do a Jariana Christmas Day chapter since its Christmas so here it is! This isn't really a chapter but it's what Ariana and Justin did on Christmas Day! This is just for fun! Chapter 20 and 21 will be up soon (I don't know when haven't decided yet) But, Merry Christmas guys! and Have a Happy New Year.

(Frankie's POV)

"I hope Nonna like the candles and flowers I sent her." I tell Justin. he dosen't appear to be listening though, he's all wrapped up in his phone like always. I glance back over to the computer to check the status of the four dozen roses I had sent to my Nonna.

The website informs me that they are to be delivered on Christmas Night. which I think would be the perfect time for it to be delivered I wish Nonna could be here with us for Christmas but she's busy taking care of Grandpa Grande. She informs us that he's alright and that we should carry on with our Christmas she said she loves us and that Grandpa loves us as well. I wish that I could see the smile on her and grandpa's face when they open their presents. especially the card I sent to her whenever she goes to open the card her favorite song will play from the card. I could just imagine the smile on her face as she reads the card, and her laughter as it echoes through the room as she reads the cute little poem printed on it.

"Candles and Flowers for what?" Justin say looking up from his phone

"Christmas." I tell him. The clueless look on his face tells me he had no idea of the holiday today. "Today is Christmas. Did you get Ariana anything?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

Ariana is downstairs with our mom, baking Christmas cookies the entire house smells like love and sweetness. I love that smell this time of year it warms my heart. I'm glad Ari is home she needs all the love she can get. I don't want to dwell on the negative only on the positive and everything will be just peachy.

"Fuck!" Justin murmurs.

"You didn't get her anything?" I ask again. I figured he wouldn't and she's been practically bouncing of the walls at the mention of the holiday.

"No, I didn't even realize it was today. Christmas has never been celebrated at my house. ever." He explains.

"What? You never celebrated Christmas?" My heart drops at his confession I thought everyone celebrated Christmas.

"No, my mom was always working twenty-four hour shifts so we never celebrated it." He tells me.

My heart breaks at this it's just so sad to know that he has never ever celebrated Christmas not once in his childhood life time everyone deserves to celebrate Christmas I reach over and give him a hug he accepts it resting his head on my shoulder I run my fingers through his hair.

"It's still morning, you could probably go out and get her something now." I suggest "I could help you."

"Sure why not." He stands and heads for the door.

This is why I try my hardest to support Ariana when it comes to Justin. I know he isn't perfect, far from it actually, but he tries. He really does. I see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice. He loves Ariana and She loves him to all I care about is my sister's happiness and nothing else.

(Justin's POV)

Three hours

That's the amount of time we spent searching through the malls in hopes to find a perfect Christmas for Ariana. It didn't happen though. The mall was packed, full of people like me waiting until the last minute to go Christmas shopping but this is like the first time I've really ever had a decent Christmas and I couldn't find anything for Ariana well that was worthy of her.

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