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Chapter 2- She told him.

Monday (Technically Day 1) 8:04 P.M.

"I know you told Naru what really happened last night. And I know he has a case. He called you and left a message on the answering machine."

"Mai, I already talked to him and told him-"

"I'm going on that case."


Several hours earlier...

Mai had just gotten back to Ayako's apartment after speaking with Hozumi and realized she still had some time to herself until Ayako came back. I should call Tsubame. Let her know that I won't be joining her for the next few days. I should've done that earlier. She shook her head and headed for the phone.

She dialed the number and waited for her neighbor to pick up. "Hello? This is Tsubame Nakano."

"Tsubame, it's Mai." She heard a surprised but probably happy gasp. "I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner, but something unexpected came up and I had to stay at a friend's."

"Oh Mai, don't you worry about it. I was worried that something happened when I found your apartment unlocked. Luckily, nothing looked like it had been taken, but you obviously left in a hurry."

"Like I said, something unexpected came up," Mai tried to sound nonchalant, but knew she only sounded tired. Or maybe indifferent like her boss. Don't think that way, Mai. "I just wanted to let you know that I probably won't be able to run with you the rest of this week."

"Your work, I take it?" Mai nodded, despite the fact that her friend couldn't see it. "I hope you let that boy know, he was waiting for you for hours."

Mai's heart sank. He's there? What am I going to do? "Mai-chan? Are you still there?"

"Huh? Yeah," she stuttered, taking a deep breath. "Tsubame, I would appreciate it if you didn't tell him that you spoke to me. I'll talk to him later but I'd rather be the one to tell him where I am." She lied smoothly, hoping that the woman on the other line hadn't suspected the truth.

"Uh, well, sure. That's a little odd, but that's fine." Mai gave a sigh of relief, if the woman suspected anything, she wasn't going to say it. "Let me know when you're back, runs get lonesome when you're alone."

"I will, see you later, Tsubame." Mai hung up the phone and headed for the bathroom to try and remove some of the makeup in case Ayako was upset that she had used it.

As soon as she reached the door, the phone rang. Walking back over she noticed the caller ID. She knew that number just as well as her own home number. Not knowing how she should feel about this caller, she let it go to the answering machine. "You've reached Ayako Matsuzaki, leave a message."

"Miss Matsuzaki, I was calling to check in on what we discussed last night. Will you be joining us on this case? Call me back."


This was what she was hoping for right? A case! She could get far away from Tokyo, hopefully. But what had they discussed last night-

Her heart stuck in her throat, Mai found it hard to breathe. Letting out a shaky breath she leaned her back against the wall and slid to the ground.

She told him. She told him. She told him.

She repeated the fact in her head, unsure of how she felt about it. Betrayed? Yeah, a bit. Hurt? Maybe, but she really didn't know. While she was upset that Ayako had told Naru, she was a little grateful she didn't have to explain the black eye to him directly. There was no way she could come up with a good enough excuse.

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