Just a Little Green

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Chapter 7-Himari

April Day 4, 5:19 P.M.

"May I come in, Miss Himari?" Mai asked sweetly with the friendliest smile she could plaster on her face without looking creepy. The old woman looked frightened and began to close the door.

"I don't know who you are, but please leave me alone!"

"Wait!" Neither of the women standing in the entryway knew why the older of the two listened, but the door stopped in its tracks. "Please, you used to own a Reiki Therapy business years ago, right? I have some questions about it."

"Why would you care? There are plenty of other Reiki businesses around, hell, going online would probably benefit you more than talking with an old geezer like me."

"Himari, I'm from Shibuya Psychic Research and we are investigating the property you used to own," Mai admitted, softening her look. "I just want to hear about what happened when you owned it, did you have any paranormal experiences there. Outside of any instances during Reiki treatments? I'm just looking for answers."

"There weren't any ghosts when I was there, now go away!"

"What about your business partner?"

Himari reeled back as though she had been struck. "He's long dead."

"Please, just let me in and we can discuss this. I'll answer any questions you have if you answer mine."

The woman moved to close the door, but hesitated, opening it up wider. "Just how did you find me?"

Mai gave a half smile. "You probably wouldn't believe me, but a little friend showed me the way."


"That is certainly interesting," John commented as he and Naru replayed the footage of the greenhouse. The time stamp was the same as when Ogawa tried to go up the stairs. "It's almost as though they are reaching desperately for something."

Naru stroked his chin in thought as he watched the vines spread out into the walkway in the greenhouse. Some were even grabbing onto the nearby tea plants. Comparing the footage side by side, the vines were definitely becoming more frantic as Ogawa was stopped on the stairs by Monk and Ayako. But what did any of this mean?

"I've given him a protection charm, however we know that it may protect him from a harmful spirit it won't necessarily stop one from influencing him," Ayako announced as she, Monk, and Masako arrived in Base. "Did you guys find something?"

"Come take a look at this," John said motioning the group over as Naru rewound the tape. "This is the greenhouse at the same time you found Ogawa-san on the steps."

"Those vines aren't dancing anymore," Ayako commented, shaking her head and putting her hands on her hips.

"Dancing?" Monk repeated with a raised brow.

"You had to be there," Ayako answered with a wave of her hand. "So this confirms that activity in the main building is connected to the tomato plants. Do we perform an exorcism in the greenhouse then? Or do we try to seal off the exits and exorcise as we go? Or would that spirit simply escape to the greenhouse? Or-"

"I guess the priestess wants to show off to the owner's son," Masako chimed in with a smirk. "Though I'm not sure what exactly she would be showing off. Not much to see."

"Are there even any trees around here you could use?" Monk asked with a raised brow. "We're not exactly near a shrine and all of the trees nearby are definitely not old enough to be of much help."

"Maybe we should hear Ayako out, guys," John tried to mediate. "She may not have the best track record, but when it mattered most she was able to get the job done."

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