Post Case 10

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Post Case 10-Choices

April Friday Several Days Before Case...

"I assume you have a case involving the paranormal again, Atsuchi?" Naru said as Lin came in from the kitchenette with cups of tea. The tall assistant proceeded to sit down and open his laptop to take notes.

"Well, yes and no," the officer admitted as he took a sip. "As you know I've been transferred to Ichihara briefly and then to Saitama as a detective. You may have also heard about the body of a young girl being found a couple of weeks ago."

"I did see a headline in the paper," Naru commented. "Before you continue, I must tell you I have no interest in taking on any case involving the media."

"Trust me when I say I want to keep you as far out of the limelight as possible." The young man opened a small file. "We have been very diligent in keeping details away from the press, hence why news hasn't broken out that there have been three murders. The third body was just discovered yesterday morning."

"Saitama's police force must be pretty desperate to hire a team of psychic researchers," Naru said dryly as he peered over the open folder.

"My goal is to have you hired as consultants. Being newly transferred and newly promoted I do have to tread carefully. To which I may have the perfect solution to have you involved."

"Please get to the point. We investigate the paranormal, not missing person cases or homicides." Impatience was never a good look on the young manager.

"Takako Adachi, twenty-three," Atsuchi continued, undeterred, pulling out a picture of a young girl. She had golden brown eyes and jet-black hair. "She was the first victim, the media is only reporting it as a mugging gone wrong, however she had been missing for over a week prior. She was last seen at a bar nearby her apartment. The second and third victims had also frequented the same bar prior to their disappearance."

"And you've looked into the owner and workers in the bar?"

"All have alibis for the times of disappearance. More than likely the culprit is a customer or even a bystander watching the door from the street. Security cameras have not been helpful as the girls had all left alone and simply vanished into thin air. Then there was a sighting of Takako at the very bar she disappeared at. The media didn't reveal which bar she was last seen in or what she was wearing that night, however several witnesses described the girl in accurate detail."

"Educated guess and luck would probably fit the bill."

"That's what we believed until we asked the bar owner to check the security tapes for the night of the sightings. Takako was last seen wearing leggings, a red tanktop, and a denim jacket. The security footage gave us this pretty picture at the entrance of the bar." The detective pulled out two photos, each depicting the victim in the outfit she disappeared in, staring directly at the camera. The most eerie part of it were the tears in her clothing and the fact that the bottom half of her legs couldn't be seen.

"So she's appears to be haunting the bar she disappeared at..." Naru stroked his chin as he examined the photos.

"Her sister also swears that she was visited by Takako's spirit. I don't necessarily want you and your team directly involved with the investigation until absolutely necessary. I've talked with the bar owner and he would be willing to host you for a paranormal investigation to drum up business in a slightly more positive light-"

"When in actuality you will be filtering in information to us and hopefully we will lead you to the culprit."

"You're making it sound much more manipulative than it really is."

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