Chapter One// Another Mistake

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Packing is something I've always hated. Probably because I'm that one person who takes forever to unpack. Like with my laundry, I'll wash but takes a while for it to go folded and hung up. When it comes to clothes and homework I'm the queen of procrastination.

I could be reading instead of stuffing everything into a bag. Story of my life, ugh.

But this packing isn't for some plane ride or road trip. It's actually moving from a house, to a different one.

I hate moving sometimes, it's hard. Having to leave a place where tons of memories were made. I'm really gonna miss this place.

I just have to finish my last box and I'm ready.

We're leaving because...

"Aeron! Hurry please!" My mother calls.

I quickly grab some books and tape. I close the box and carry it down stairs.

Her short hair that starts its wave by her chin and brown loving eyes call me over to her."We don't want to be late Aer, you hate being late," she smiles.

Actually today I'd rather be late, but I guess that's not my decision today.

I sigh and take the box to the truck outside.

I came to an agreement with myself that I won't cry, I'll keep going and make it through the day.

"Your stuff is separate right?" My mom asks.

"Yeah," I mutter."Ill meet you in the car."

I walk back into the house. Through the empty living room to my room. It's so empty, no bed, no dresser, nothing. Just dust and old memories. My eyes water. Keep your shit together.

I walk out of the house and say goodbye. Gonna miss this place.

I run over to the car which my mom is already in.

"It's okay," she rubs my shoulder and starts to drive.

Nope, no it's not.

We make it to Mary's house, my moms close friend. I'll be staying here. She has two younger daughters and a son my age.

We get out the car and walk up to her door.

My mom presses the doorbell. The door is opened quickly.

"Hi," Mary's pale features light up. She has super blonde almost white hair and is very tall. She's super fun and sweet which I love about her.

She lets us into her home.

"Hey," my mom and her run off into the kitchen.

I shut the door and lean against the couch.

She has such a lovely home. She has nice dark brown wooden floors and white furniture with white walls and a dining room with a kitchen connected with marble counter tops and an island.

Her room and one of her daughters is down stairs with three rooms upstairs. Alex's, her other daughters Sarah, and the guest bedroom which is now my room.


I walk over to the kitchen and Mary smiles at me.

"Is there anything I can get you right now?" She asks.

Yeah, a hammer please so that I can go somewhere, perhaps a junk yard to let out my feelings. It's not good to hold in emotions.

"I'm fine, thank you," I smile."I think I'm gonna go grab some boxes right now."

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