Chapter Six// Terrorist

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Lunch, her we go. My plan, walk up to her, tell her how I really feel about her, make out with her if she feels the same way, just kidding. Not her at least.

I walk up to Bella whose sitting on the table with her friends, Sasha and Bailey. All them together are super girly and love to workout and shop.

Sasha has blonde hair and is super short with brown eyes and is so energetic I want to give her Benadryl. She is a dancer but to me not as good as Aeron.

Bailey is a gymnast and can't stand me, she hates me so much. She has black hair and is super lean, she's also kind of cocky, she likes to sound like she owns everything and is better than everyone else which I hate but she is my girlfriends best friend so what choice do I have?

Bella's eyes shoot straight to mine. Bailey gets up and walks away.

Seriously? Wow.

Sasha sits back ready to get the gossip.

"Bella I'm sorry you think I'm ignoring you, but when you call me in the middle of the night, in tired as hell and don't feel like talking, I just want to sleep after a long day. And Aeron, well I don't know at first I was letting it get to me that it's her fault, but how can it be? She only is here for dance, not to be with me, to do something she loves, my mom just thought that it was good to get her out of the house so for you to be getting mad at me for that is just bullshit Bella," I kind of yell.

She opens her mouth to speak but I interrupt.

"I have gone four days without being with you and it was fucking hell! All I thought about was you because I wanted to be with you, I wanted to kiss you and tell you how much I love you because you matter to me," I say."So if you really cared about this relationship then don't put it on hold because of some girl whose living with me to do what she loves."

She doesn't say anything.

That's when I lean in, I cup her cheeks and our lips connect. She surprisingly kisses me back hungrily. Honestly wasnt expecting that.

I break to catch breath as does she.

A smile curves her lips.

"I love you too Alex," she says.

I smile and yawn, I'm so tired with Brett sleeping over, he hogs the bed and won't sleep on the ground.

Bailey walks up to me and the next thing I know is a cupcake covering my face. Frosting everywhere.

What a bitch!

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I yell.

So fucking lucky I won't hit a girl.

"There! Now you two can go back to making out," she spits and hands me the cupcake.

I go for her but Bella stands in front of me. She places her hands on my neck and licks the frosting that's around my mouth and kisses me at the same time.

"See you after school," she whispers in my ear and the vanishes with her two best friends which I'm not to fond of.

I grab a napkin and start to wipe my face off.

What the hell is wrong with her? Just come up to me and ugh. Damn girls always causing problems, like enjoy the moment while it lasts.


"Okay so let's go to panera bread," Bella says.

"Okay," I smile and put my arm over her shoulder.

We make it to panera bread, Brett just went straight home and Aeron has dance so it's just Bella and me.

Our first date was here at Panera bread, kind of our place.

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