Chapter Sixteen// No Sexual Contact

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I see Aeron running toward us.

"Hey!" I yell.

Carter smiles as she holds my hand. I wouldn't say we're officially dating but I wouldn't say we're just friends.

I look at Aeron and she keeps running. She pushes past us and I turn around, she's still running.

I could've sworn she was on a date with Brett. She left the house, barely even walking.

Then I left shortly after and got Starbucks with Carter.

"I wonder what's wrong," Carter says."I think I should go find her."

"Okay, I'll meet you at the house," I kiss her forehead and she walks off.

Her cheeks flush pink as she walks away.

I see Brett and run to him.

He runs his hands through his hair and looks like he wants to punch a wall.

"Dude what happened?" I ask.

"We got in a fight," he puffs.

"About what?" I take him and we sit on a bench.

"At first it was about Bella and then we made up. But then I made a stupid comment about your guy's kiss and she got mad," he explains and rubs his eyes.

They look glossy.

And I'm not mad about him bringing up our kiss, he has every right too. I was just being selfish and wanted to know if she was a good kisser.

"Why don't we go home and apologize?" I ask.

"She won't talk to me, you see how she just ran off. She probably hates my guts and wants to kill me," he cries.

"Brett don't say that, she likes you a lot okay? Things will be okay you just need to talk," I say.


We get up and start to walk to towards home.


"Fucking bitch!" I yell.

"This kid is an asshole," Brett yells.

We're playing Modern Warfare two on the Xbox. It's about five. We've been at this for two hours and this kid literally knows where you'll be placed when after you die and he kills you right there again.

It's fucking bullshit.

But good to let Brett get his anger out, the girls are in the other doing stuff I honestly want to know about, but they'd never let us in.

"Teenagers!" I hear my mom yell."Or kids, young adults, whatever you call yourselves."

I stand up and stretch. Playing video games can get tiring.

"Come on," I tap Brett.

We step out of my room and the girls are already out.


I get down the stairs with Brett right behind me rubbing his eyes.

He was crying a little because of Aeron, I let his punch the pillow and bed and then we started to play Xbox.

All four of us stand at the bar waiting for my mom to speak.

"First off I hope you all had a great day, second I made dinner, and third I have rules," he says.

I grab another chair for Aeron and she sits at the end. Carter next to her. Then me and Brett.

My mom look at Aeron, to Brett and then gives me a confused look.

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