Chapter Three// Hickeys, Chocolate, and Nicknames

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I don't even know how these words are coming out of my mouth, it's like I'm some kind of person who won't shut up. I wonder if Brett and Alex think I'm annoying. That kind of puts me down.

And now Alex's girlfriend is coming here. Oh my gosh what if she hates me for staying at Alex's place. But she'd have to understand that I'm staying for dance. What I love.

I think that's why I'm in such a good mood today that I made a nice dinner and talked haha because of my audition. I don't think I got in but I still love the fact that I danced and that Sarah admires that. She's so cute.

Cuter than her brother.

I sit next to Alex on the kitchen counter.

"Hey I'm gonna go put Sarah to bed, be back," he runs up the stairs leaving me and Brett.

Brett is pretty fucking adorable, and I mean it. He has dark brown hair and blue yes, super pale skin and oh my fuck his personality is what every girl wants. He's perfect like damn.

"So," Brett comes over to me.

"So," I mimic.

He puts a hand through his hair and smiles.

"I think you're really pretty," he compliments.

"Awe! Thank you," I say.

He's leaning against me, I can smell his cologne which smells really good actually. Like a cinnamon apple. He hugs me and I lean on his shoulder, this is really comfortable I don't even know why I'm doing this? I just met him.
The door bell rings.

It's about 9 pm.

Brett goes over and gets it.

A really pretty girl with light brown hair, brown eyes comes in. She's wearing black leggings and a purple crop top with tribal. She's so pretty, can I be you?

Her eyes goes directly to me?

Oh my gosh she doesn't like me already!

"Whose that? Sorry that was rude, I'm Bella, you are?" She asks.

"I'm Aeron," I smile.

"She's a friend of Alex," Brett adds.

Wow thanks. He leans away and sits next to me on the kitchen counter. She kind of just rolls her eyes at me.

Alex walks down the stairs and his brown eyes widen.

"You're here!" He shouts.

"Yeah," she walks over to him and kisses him hungrily.

Okay then.

"Aeron's here because she dances and her parents were moving away. My mom thought it'd be nice for her to stay here," he explains.

Kind of thankful that he did but at the same time I have a voice of my own, it's not used a lot when I'm around people that I don't really know. Like right now.

"Ohhhhh," she smiles.

"Yeah, we have the house to ourselves for quite a while so why don't we go on the balcony and chill," Alex suggests.

"Sounds great," Brett says.

Alex and Bella start to go upstairs.

Brett jumps off the counter and goes.

"Coming?" He asks me.

"She doesn't like me. She probably hates me," I complain but it probably true. When she first walked in she looked at me with disgust.

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