Chapter Twenty Two// Every Universe

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He's not dead, he can't be.

He wouldn't do that to us.

To me.

To her.

He can't.

He can't leave us, he's not dead, I won't except that.

I won't.

Brett has to live, he's so full of life, he doesn't deserve to die.

No one deserves to die.

He never did anything bad.

Brett lived life to the fullest and he can't die, Brett has so much more to him. He still has three more years of high school, then college, a career, a family.

He can't die.

Aeron needs him.

I need him.

I can't lose my bestfriend.

Brett and I go way back, if he's not with me I won't have anyone really. He's my best friend in the entire universe, matter of fact in every universe.

And even if he wasn't.

He can't die.

Aeron deserves him, he deserves Aeron along with a happy, long life.

Aeron squeezes my hand and sniffles. She won't stop crying.

Brett you can't leave me with this.

No matter how much I love her you love her too. And this will kill her too. You can't leave us. You can't.


"Alex what if he doesn't make it?" Aeron asks. "What if he dies? I don't know if I can go on, I can't."

She cries into my chest.

"I don't know what to tell you besides I will help you through this if you help me," I say.

She nods her head yes and hugs me more.

I feel a tear drop down my cheek.

Look at what you're doing to me Brett.

"Aeron I'm sorry, I don't hate you," I apologize. "I was too harsh, it was just jealousy."

"It's okay," she mumbles. "I'm gonna text your mom."

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I say and walk to it.

I'm the only one in here.

Brett you can't fucking leave us! You can't! Please don't leave us.

I start to cry.

I sink into the wall and fall to the floor.

I let all the tears and anger pour out of me.

"You can't leave us brett," I say. "You just can't."

I stand up and look into the mirror.

I'm a mess.

My hair looks stupid, my shirt is a little wet from Aeron crying into it and my eyes are red as hell.

He can't leave us.

I look at the wall.

If he leaves us nothing will be the same, it's just more pain to deal with.

I punch the wall and I hear my hand crack.

My nuckles start to bleed and bruise.

I'm angry.

I walk out of the bathroom and to the waiting room with Aeron and Bella.

"Your mom said she's on her way," Aeron says.

"You should call Julianne," I suggest.

She nods yes.

I see the doctor walk past us to another room and I stop him.

"Can I just talk to him?" I ask.

"Sure," he says and leads the way.

We walk for quite a while through the hospital. I've never liked the hospital. Bad things have happened and you get hurt for it and I hate that someone can be hurt. It sucks and they don't deserve pain really.

Hospitals honestly try to heal you but it's a tragic place. Many deaths are here.

We reach Brett's room.

The doctor places his hand on my shoulder and gives me a look. A look of I'm sorry but I know and you know he's going to die.

I look at the large wooden door ahead of me and the doctor walks off.

I open in and shut it once I get in.

I walk past the curtain and he's laying on the hospital bed.

Hooked up to the machines behind him.

He's in a coma. But only for so long.

"Brett," I say.

"You can't leave us. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for liking her. I'm sorry for not supporting you. I'm sorry for always stealing your juice box in all of second grade. I'm sorry about your mom and dad. I'm sorry you're laying here."

I just get the sound of the machine making him breathe back for a response.

"Please don't leave us. You have a girl who loves you to death by your side. You have me," I smile.

"I love you man," I place my hand on his shoulder and look down.

I let go and walk out of the room.

His dad is standing right there.

"I'm sorry son," he opens his arms.

I take the offer and hug him. I start to cry again.

I pull myself together and let go.

"He's really?" I ask.

His dad nods yes.

"The um," he holds in his sobs. "The doctor told me there's nothing more we can do. Just pull the plug."

I wipe my tears.

"Okay," I mumble and start to walk away.

"I need you to tell Aeron. I was going to but I couldn't," a teardrops down his cheek.

"Okay," I mutter.

I find my way back to the waiting room and my mom and sisters are now here.

Everyone looks at me waiting for me to say something.

But I can't.

I don't know how he expects me to tell her, them.

I can't even accept this is happening myself.

My best friend died.

I stand in the middle of the waiting room with my family, aeron, bella, and bretts family.

Everyone looks me in the eye but I can't. This is just too much.

I start to cry and a sob comes out. I fall to my knees and cover my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

I cry more and more, my body is aching from this trembling.

I find the courage and stand up.

My first concern is Aeron.

She stares into space and then stands up.

She slowly walks over to me and hugs me.

I hug her back and start to cry, I rub her back, making circles and she cries more.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm here," I say.

"I don't want him to die," she says.

"Me neither."

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