Chapter Seven// Twins

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"Let's play twenty one questions," brett smiles.

"Okay," I get up."Just let me go get the popcorn."

I run downstairs and I see Alex playing video games.

"Hey Lexi," I tease.

"What up?" He asks.

I grab the popcorn and drizzle chocolate on it.

"Chocolate covered popcorn," I throw one on my mouth.

"Are you on your period or something?" He asks.

I gasp.

"Are you serious?" I yell.

But I gasp again because I'm supposed to start and when I do all I want is anything and everything with chocolate.

"See," he laughs.

I pout and walk over to him.

"Here," I take a covered popcorn and put it all in his luscious hair which is now all sticky.

"Are you serious?" He asks.

"Those were my exact words when you asked me if I was on my period," I shout and run back upstairs.

"What took so long?" Brett asks.

"Lexi was making jokes about my period," I pout and sit on my bed.

I tap my hand in front me telling him to sit there.

He sits there and asks,"favorite movie?"

"Grease," I say fast.

It's always been my favorite, along with dirty dancing but I love grease too and didn't want to make it such of a big deal with saying two.

"Are your eyebrows naturally like that?" I ask.

"No," he mutters. I throw popcorn in my mouth and laugh."I get them threaded."

I laugh more.

"Shut up, anyways. Describe the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you."

"Um, I thought my period started so I ran to the bathroom, turns out it did. I forgot my tampon though and then I ran back to class, there was only five minutes but when I came back I hit my ex boyfriend and we fell, then I threw up on him because the whole room started to spin and yeah," I look down embarrassed.

He laughs.

"That must've sucked," he says.

"You think," I say."If you were a woman for a day, what would you do?"

Sometimes I think I have good questions, but I'm just curious. Like whenever I play this game with a guy and so far they have all said play with their boobs but I don't understand why, like maybe it seems interesting to them but I mean it hurts, it's sensitive tissue and if they felt that they would have the pain that tons of women have. Why would they want that?

And personally I wish that men had a week to be a woman but that week would be a period week so they would get the pain.

If only.

"Good question, I would probably die my hair a very light turquoise blue, get abs, go to the beach and show off my body, then I don't know, see what it's like to have sex as a girl," he explains.

Wow, maybe I shouldn't have asked that.

"Cool," I eat more popcorn.

"Okay you, what's something you can't live without?" He asks.

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