Chapter 1

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 The rainforest is so full of life, everything about it brings joy to her scales. Well most things Kinkajou thinks, The part where the dragons didn't even notice when I disappeared wasn't quite as awesome as the rest. But their amazing Queen Glory was working to fix that problem, and many others. And now Kinkajou had friends who would notice. Such amazing epic friends

"We are going to completely dominate the other team in pineapple toss!" Kinkajou says excitedly. Her wings are covered in happy yellow starbursts, with orange and gold mixing in along the edges. Flowers blossom all throughout the clearing they are flying above, and the fresh smell that appears after it rains permeates the air.

"Calm down Kinkajou, you don't even know who your teammates will be," Moon says. She then ducks, barely managing to avoid a pineapple thrown by Kinkajou.

"Yes, but whichever team I'm on is going to win because I'm on it!" Kinkajou bets she could beat the hole rainwing village at Pineapple-toss, she bets she could beat the whole of Phyrria.

Moon laughs. "Well you better go easy on the other team if they get Peacemaker, it is his hatching day after all." Below them, Peacemaker is happily stuffing his face with strawberries from the fruit pile. The red juice is dripping down his snout. Peacemaker, who once was one of Kinkajou's worst enemies, Darkstalker, turned into one of her very best incredible friends.

"Presents!" Hope calls from the ground, and Peacemaker turns and scrambles over towards the large pile of leaf-wrapped packages, his eyes shining. "For Me!" He says.

"Race you! Kinkajou says, then dives towards the clearing below without waiting for a response, dodging a wet vine and landing in front of the pile. Moon glides down after her, landing gracefully beside her. No matter what happens Moon will always be one of Kinkajou's very best friends, though she thinks that Moon could have been a little more careful with her friends. She did befriend Darkstalker, a giant monster who tried to kill them all.

Dragons from all around the clearing dragons start to gather around the pile, some appearing from what is seemingly thin air as their game of Camouflage is interrupted. Kinkajou isn't quite as good at camouflage as she used to be, since the spots Grandeur's venom hit on her wing can't camouflage like the rest of her scales. Still, it was such an amazing and awesome experience helping Glory become their amazing new queen.

Peacemaker of course hasn't waited for the others to arrive. He has already the top present off the pile, a large package wrapped in a palm leaf, and is tearing through the leaf wrapping. Fruit spills out of the hole, and Peacemaker excitedly grabs a mango and begins devouring it.

"Yum," Peacemaker sighs contentedly

"Who's it from?" Moon asks.

"Clay, it's too bad he couldn't come," Hope says.

The next present is a claw-woven strawberry picking basket from Hope.

"Ooh, with this I'll beat all of you in the strawberry picking contest!" Peacemaker says.

"You already always win," Moon points out.

"Yes, but now I can win by even more."

Peacemaker, despite still being a dragonet, is an awesome strawberry picker, one of the best in the village, but not other fruit, just strawberries. Peacemaker is also good at pineapple toss. But she, Kinkajou, defeater of Darkstalker, bets she could still dominate him at it anyway.

The next present was a book from Moon, which Peacemaker gives Moon an annoyed look in response to, then a healing rock from Turtle, a cactus from Qibli. When they all turn and look at him he raises an eyebrow, "What, that variety is considered a delicacy in the Sand Dingdom."

The pile of presents dwindles until all that is left is a small unmarked present, wrapped in a single oak leaf.

"Who's it from?"

"Doesn't say. Better open it and find out," Hope says, smiling.

Distracted as they are, it takes them a moment to realize what Peacemaker had pulled out of the leaf. A small gold and amber earring, identical, in fact to the one that currently rests on Qibili's ear.

Stripes of green slide across Kinkajou's rainwings scales, showing the fear evident on the faces of Moon, Qibli, Hope, and the few others who know who Peacemaker was as they realize what Peacemaker has pulled out of the box. No, who would want to bring Darkstalker back? Who would want such a thing? Who set that earring there? Kinkajou remembers everything Darkstalker did as fear overtakes all her other thoughts, how hard they had to try to stop him. How they almost lost.

"Peacemaker, No!" Moon calls in a panic.

Peacemaker who was in the process of putting on the earring, looks up, surprised at being yelled at. Maybe it will be enough, Kinkajou thinks. But it was too late, the earring had slipped into place and Peacemaker began to grow.

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