Chapter 4

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 The dense and lush trees of the rainforest begin to give way to the stony ground and jagged peaks of the Sky Kingdom. Soon Jade Mountain appears on the horizon, its peak reaching into the sky like a dragon claw. Around its peak, faint dots grow larger, slowly forming into the shapes of the students of the epic school of Jade Mountain.

"I hope we can beat him again," Moon says, worry clearly visible in her eyes.

"Stop worrying, of course we can beat him, we already did it once," Kinkajou says, "We'll be epic and amazing and awesome, and they'll write epic stories about The Epic Amazing Legend of Kinkajou and her friends for years to come for years to come." Kinkajou can feel her scales turning rosy pink and gold despite the situation. "Ooo, or maybe it will be called Moon and Kinkajou's amazing and epic fight against Darkstalker, or How Kinkajou and her friends were awesome and saved the world."

Kinkajou can see Moon begin to smile, her amusement begging to overtake her worry and she giggles slightly. "I'm hope that's what it will be called, not How an amazing epic group of heroes tragically died in their quest to save the world."

Her expression turns serious again. "Yes we beat him, but only because we surprised him, this time he'll know about using the scroll and destroy it completely."

"So, we'll find some other way, you have the great Kinkajou on your team after all." She replies.

Of course they would beat Darkstalker, together they could do anything. It didn't matter that the odds were against them. They could win.

They begin to spiral downwards toward the entrance to Jade mountain, barely avoiding flying directly into a young seawing student as he exits the mountain. "Watch where you're going!" the student calls grumpily.

"Darkstalker has returned, gather the teachers, tell them to meet us at the mountain peak," Moon yells to him.

The seawing turns pale, all his anger gone in an instant, replaced by fear as he turns three shades paler than before, "D-Darkstalker," he whispers, his voice shaking.

"Yes, go!"

The seawing seawing rushes off into the rocky caves beneath the mountain, the darkness appearing to swallow him whole.

Moon and Kinkajou soar towards the mountain peak. Landing on a giant boulder covered in vines and other foliage. Soon Clay arrives, landing in front of them on the rock. The big Mudwing is soon followed by Sunny and then Tsunami, Webbs, then finally Starflight and Fatespeaker.

The the founders of the school, the Dragonets of Destiny plus Webbs and Fatespeaker, minus Glory, form a rough semicircle in front of them. Though it had only been a day or so since she left the school for Peacemaker's party, Kinkajou was glad to see them. They were amazing friends, awesome teachers, and epic heroes as well.

Now though, they look worried and slightly panicked, barely managing to keep a semblance of calm.

When everyone arrives Clay asks, "Is it true, Darkstalker has returned? How did it happen?"

"Yes, it's true, it started on Peacemaker's hatching day..." Moon begins, letting the story pour out, "...and so Glory sent us to you."

As Moon finishes she is met with silence. Kinkajou hates silence, what good is silence when you can talk with others, the rainforest is never silent. Even in the dead of night, there is always the constant hooting of owls, chirping crickets, and rustling mice.

Finally, Tsunami groans, breaking the silence, "Another prophecy, come on. I thought we were done with those things."

"Starflight, have you found anything?" Sunny asks, sounding worried, but hopeful.

Wings of Fire: The Extremely Awesome Amazing Epic Legend Of KinkajouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora