Chapter 15

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A warm tingling begins to cover her scales and just as her memories are beginning to get swept away into the warmth a hurricane of cold erupts across her back, cutting through the warmth with the force of a thousand icicles.

It only takes a moment before the feeling recedes, pulling back into the blade resting on her back, leaving nothing but tingling scales in its wake.

So that's what was happening, she realizes as her memories reform, as bright and loud as ever, the sword is protecting me from animus spells. Each time Darkstalker had cast a speller the sword had fought back, something Turtle's pebble had done before, but why hadn't the enchantment been broken with Darkstalker's spell? And why did it have to be so so uncomfortably cold?

As intriguing as the question is, she has a world to save and awesome spells can wait until after they defeat the villain that is currently looming over her looking obnoxiously smug.

Her mind whirls as it tries to come up with a plan. She doesn't have any pineapples to throw at him, and besides, his super magical scales might protect him against even the immense power of pineapples.

She could spit venom at him, but his scales would also protect him against that.

That leaves her with two options, play along, or magical super sword attack. On one hand, she never likes waiting, but on the other hand, even she can tell that Darkstalker is not in an optimal position for attacks, as he is on the other side of the cavern, with lots of dragons, including her friends, who probably would fight to protect him in the way. Also, she has no idea how to use a sword.

With an internal sigh, she lets a rainbow of dazed gray and teal sweep over her scales. She might go along with it now, but soon she would totally destroy him with her super magical ice sword.

"Darkstalker, You can't just force dragons to like you!" Moon says, her voice filled with anger. "Dragons, have a right to their own lives, you can't just take that away."

"I'm sure Darkstlaker has a very good reason for everything he's been doing, though enchanting Kinkajou was slightly extre...." Tsunami starts before fading out as Darkstalker levels her with a glare.

"They can still lead their own lives Moon, all I want is for them, and my tribe to be happy. Isn't that what you want, to be happy? Isn't that what every dragon wants? A world without war, without hunger, without pain. Why should let dragons suffer when I can prevent it with a single spell."

"I'd rather be free Darkstalker, and I think my friends would too, if you hadn't enchanted them not to,"

"Moon, I've shown you the world of my dreams before, let me show you it again. Jade Mountain is thriving, the tribes are living together in peace, does it really change anything to know that they were orginally enchanted to be happy."

Obviously, it does, Kinkajou thinks, Happiness is not the only thing that matters, her tribe is proof of that. They tried sitting around in the rainforest with no worries, and all that got them was kidnappings and almost getting invaded and none of them cared enough to stop it.

"Yes, it does," Moon says finally, echoing Kinkajou's thoughts.

"Well then, I guess this is the only way. Moon, I enchant you to honor..." is as far as Darkstalker gets until his voice cracks, and he whispers "I can't, I can't enchant you to be my friend."

Kinkajou's mind fills with relief, she doesn't know what she would have done if Darkstalker had cast another spell on her friends. Actually, she does know, she would absolutely destroy Darkstalker in every way that she could. But with Darkstaler's next words, her relief vanishes as quickly as it had come.

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