Chapter 10

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She needs to know where Moon and Tsunami are kept, but then she also needs to know the secret information that Tundra and the general are going to talk about.

As much as she needs information she needs her friends more, she decides.

So when the guards surround Tsunami and Moon she follows, each step they make taking her and her friends deeper into the ice palace. She tries to remember the path they take through the tunnel, but there are SO many turns. Left, right, right, left, middle, down a pit and to the left. What self respecting building is this big?

Finally, they reach what she assumes is the dungeon, a large icy cave with a table in the center. Three tunnels full of cells stretching as far as the eye can see lead out of the room, and there is a large door embedded in the fourth wall. In the center of a room is a rack of scrolls, which intrigues her. She assumes scrolls are hard to make in the ice kingdom, so why is the castle wasting parchment on a dungeon?

"Dungeoner! We have new prisoners for you," a soldier calls as Kinkajou settles herself into a corner of the room, careful to make sure that her camouflaged wings cover the sword strapped to her back and the silver band on her wrist. Long seconds later the door embedded in the wall creaks open and a female icewings appears.

The icewing is white with specks of blue shining along her tail and snout. Her wings gracefully stretch out from her back. Her only adornment is a ring of keys on a silver chain around her neck.

"Who annoyed the aristocrats this time?" She asks curiously, walking over to Moon and Tsunami. "A nightwing, we never have had many of those down here, and a seawing, more common, but still rare considering we are in the middle of the icekingdom after all."

She turns to the guards, "You want them in one of the special cells I assume. So they don't freeze to death before you can do whatever you are going to do to them."

"Just get on with it," the guard calls.

"Fine," she says, sounding mildly annoyed, and moves to the rack of scrolls in the middle of the room. Carefully she traces her claw along the backs of each scroll until it lands on a smallish one near the bottom of the rack. She pulls it out and sets it on the table.

The dragon unrolls the scroll, setting four small stones on each of its corners to hold it in place. She starts to move her talon down the scroll, mumbling to herself as she does.

"Block E... Block G..." She taps a spot on the scroll with her claw, "Ah here we go. What were your names?" She asks, turning to Tsunami and Moon.

"I'm Tsunami, and this is my student Moonwatcher," Tsunami says without even the slightest bit of a growl in her voice, put off by this odd icewing. As Tsunami tells the dragon their names the dragon pops the lid off a vial of ink resting on the table, dips her claw inside, and begins to write. Though, from her current angle, Kinkajou can't see the words.

"Tsunami, the great dragonet of destiny. Now, I truly am surprised, " the dragon says conversationally, "Let's see. Oh, I never introduced myself, I'm Cintre. Now, what supposed crimes did you commit?"

"Um, none," Moon says.

"They trespassed in the ice kingdom and had possession of an ancient Icewing gift. Those are their crimes," a soldier says gruffly.

"Alright," Cintre says as she scratches something down on the scroll, "follow me." Cintre says, capping the ink and wiping off her claw.

She leads the groups and guards down the northernmost tunnel, and Kinkajou starts to follow them, but stops. She wants to see what is in the open scroll that Cintre left on the table.

Wings of Fire: The Extremely Awesome Amazing Epic Legend Of KinkajouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora