Chapter 20

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Darkstalker was standing at the mountain peak when they found him, watching the stars. He had something in his claw, but Kinkajou couldn't quite make out what it was, though she was sure it must be something super creepy and dangerous if Darkstalker had it. Around him were six other dragons, the scales of each glimmering a different color in the moonlight.

The queens Kinkajou realized as she spotted glory among them. She wanted to bounce out of their hiding place and greet one of her most awesome best friends like she always did, with energy and enthusiasm, but who knew how she would react.

She hated not being able to trust her friends because of Darkstalker's stupid spell. But after tonight that won't matter, she thought, her mind brightening, because they were going to absolutely obliderate Darkstalker and his magic, and then life would be awesome.

She had to force her scales from showing her hope and confidence, to remain the same shifting greys and browns as the mountain around her.

"It's nice," Queen Coral said, "You think I would feel sad about this, but I honestly am relieved. I should have so much more time for my writing now that its over."

"Agreed," Glory said, "I never wanted to be a queen, that was always Tsunami's wish, as long as I know my subjects are safe it will be a relief more than anything."

One by one each of the queens voiced some form of agreement, even Queen Snowfall, who Kinkajou had never known as anything put a paranoid grumpy grouch agreed, saying something about Glacier being a better queen then she ever could have been.

Darkstalker nodded, smiling along with the queens in a way that Kinkajou totally knew was super evil and sinister under the smile, but she could see how, even without the magic helping, how Darkstalker could become liked by so many. She could even see how Moon had become friends with such a sinister Dragon.

"Its odd," Turtle whispered, "I've never seen Coral so relaxed."

"Or Glory, she always seems to have some urgent problem she needs to deal with, between the two tribes she never has any time to do anything esle. Really, the few times I've met the other queens its been the same" Moon whispered.

For a moment she had the smallest hint of doubt, maybe Darkstalker would be a good king, maybe he would finally suceed in bringing peace to the continent, but it was quickly squashed by indignation. He had enchanted her friends, he totally deserved to be obliderated by whatever means necessary.

"Then let us begin, Darkstalker said, "Is there anything else you would like to say before handing your kingdoms and subjects over to me."

"Only that I hope you lead them well," Queen Moorhen said.

"Then I swear, on my honor as a nightwing, I will raise Phyria to a place of prosperity that it has never been before, even at the height of the nightwings power."

And then he took the thing that he held in his claw, something that Kinkajou now realized was a crown carved entirely from obsidian and as black as night, and placed it atop his brow.

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