Chapter 3

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They are in a pavilion between the treetops and the ground floor. Glory, one of Kinkajou's very best friends, sits on a slightly raised platform in front of them, looking worried. Various shades of green dapple her currently blue scales. In the center of the pavilion, a delicate ice tree grows from the floor, and globes of light hang from its every branch, The gift of light, Kinkajou thinks, given to the rainwings/nightwings from the icewings in exchange for Icicle being given to the icewings for punishment. Above them light is slowly drifting in through the leaf canopy, muted with a slight green shade. It casts the room in an oddly greenish glow, making everything seem alive.

"So now we have a big epic problem to deal with, and a big evil dragon to stop again. Kinkajou says," The few rainwings and nightwings scattered around the platform are shifting uncomfortably, probably not knowing what to make of her awesomeness.

"Slow down, slow down, start from the beginning." Glory says, trying to get a picture of what is happening. Her queen has firmly turned her scales an unreadable Black, but Kinkajou can see the worry around the edge of her voice and expression.

"It was Peacemaker's hatching day, well technically it is the day he became Peacemaker. The day was going as normal and he was opening presents. The last present was a small, unmarked leaf package. Inside was one of Turtle's enchanted earrings that protects the wearer from Darkstalker's magic." Moon says.

"Let me guess, Peacemaker put it on."

"Yes, he's Darkstalker again. He told us to gather the queens to Jade Mountain. He gave us one week."

All around them, the rainwings that were previously muttering and shifting worriedly immediately turn green with fear, and that same emotion is mirrored on their faces. They may not know the specifics of what is being talked about, but the words 'he's Darkstalker again' they can understand.

"I'll send messengers to the other queens explaining the situation." Glory says, her voice sounds like a queen's, not betraying the worry underneath. 'They aren't going to like it," Glory sighs, "We assured them he was gone, and now here he is again."

That Kinkajou could imagine, from her friendship with their amazing Queen Glory, she had heard that the other queens, especially grumpy grouch Queen Snowfall didn't quite trust the dragonet queen. Well she's the best queen in Pyrrhia, and there is nothing they can do about it, so hah.

"What about us?" Moon asks.

"While I would prefer it if you stayed here, we don't have time for that. Go to Jade Mountain Academy and talk to Starflight, in case Darkstalker ever returned he has been researching possible solutions. I don't know if he has found anything, but I hope so."

This time they would have a plan for taking on Darkstalker, this time they would defeat him. This time they would obliterate him so much he could never rise again. This time the dragons of Jade Winglet would be amazing and awesome and succeed without accidentally wiping out half the icewing tribe this time.

"One last thing," Moon says , " I had a prophecy, you should hear it."

An unreadable look passes across Glory's face. "Not another one, Tsunami is going to be so disappointing. Anyway, let's hear it."

The pupils of Moon's eyes expand slightly and her voice gets slightly deeper and shivery as she begins to recite the prophecy.

"Darkness twice vanquished will rise again.

Greater than Before

A hero must rise

Brave of heart

Keen of mind

Good of soul

All must be found beneath the ice

Or all show bow to darkness as darkness rises one final time"

"It came with a vision as well, Darkstalker in a twisted metal crown. All the tribes were bowing to him, except icewings. There were no icewings in the vision."

The century-old feud between the icewings and nightwings was totally unreasonable and totally unnecessary in Kinkajou's opinion. Dragons were dragons and just needed to get along.

"Well, if that's not ominous then I don't know what is." Glory sighs

"What he really needs is a mango smashed in his face, or maybe a Pineapple. Fruit in his face would totally teach him a lesson." Kinkajou adds, half serious, half trying to ease the tension. "Fruit can solve anything if used in the right way."

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