Chapter 22

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Then the sword in her hand turned unearthly cold. It was as if every blizzard, every bit of snow in the ice kingdom had been condensed and let out once again through the blade. She would have dropped the weapon, but her claw seemed to be frozen to it.

Then as quickly as it was there it was gone, along with any indication that it had ever been there other than the tingling of her claw and the cut slowly dirpped blood on Darkstalker's scales.

It was just a tiny slice, not enough to do more than annoy a dragon, but it should have been impossible with all the enchantments he put on himself. Score one for the super awesome magic sword, she silently crowed.

"Kinkajou!" Glory growled, anger flickering up and down her spines that she was normally so careful to control, "Darkstalker is our king! What are you doing!."

Truthfully that hurt, far more than anything else. Glory had been angry at her before, for running off with Turtle and Moon to go save the world, but that had always been out of worry, she had never seen her best friend and the awesome queen of the rainwings be this angry, and at her of all dragons.

She knew it was because of Darkstalker's super evil spell, but still.

Darkstalker growled as well, more annoyed than angry. Reaching down to grab a handful of pebbles he he growled out an enchantment to freeze in place any dragon they touched and threw them at her.

Kinkajou didn't expect them to work, her super awesome magic sword protected her from enchantments after all, but the sword didn't flare cold. It wasn't as if the enchantment had failed because of the protection the sword gave, it was as if the enchantment just didn't work at all.

Darkstalker frowned, worried. Reaching down he pressed his claw against a vine.

"I enchant this vine to grow into bindings around Kinkajou neither her venom nor her claws can destroy," he growled.

But once again nothing happened, the vine didn't even twitch.

"It's... gone." Darkstalker said near disbelievingly, "I can feel it, nothing's left."

Slowly he turned to Kinkajou, "What did you do?" he asked, his voice slowly turning angry. He leapt toward her, his massive form lunging through the air nearly unbelievably quickly.

"What did you DO?!"

Now would be a good time to make a super awesome escape. There was a time to completely obliterate her opponents, which she had totally done, but there was also a time to run away before her opponents completely obliterated her.

She glanced at Glory, but she seemed to be nearly as mad as Darkstaler, her scales turning a near complete crimson with fury, and the other queens were the same.

Turning she lept into the air, letting her scales turn black as the night sky as Darkstalker slammed into the place where she had been. He no longer seemed a dragon, just a body filled with rage.

But Darkstalker snarled and leapt into the air after, somehow following her perfectly despite her super awesome camouflage. He might be able to hear her, but she thought even he wouldn't be able to track her exactly.

The Queens tried to follow, but he glowed "No,"

His mind reading, she realized. He must be able to track her thoughts, now that his bracelet let him hear through Skyfire, which was totally unfair. Darkstalker was just totally unfair in general she decided.

She let her scales shift back to their normal golden yellows and pinks. If Darkstalker could just follow her anyway, then she might as well show her awesome friends where she was too.

And sure enough, as she soared over the mountain entrance where Moon and Turtle were hiding they soared up to fly beside her. Moon looked... sad and Turtle looked angry, as angry as glory.

Oh right, she thought, his totally overpowered and sinister spell.

"I know you the amazing Kinkajou and I'm your sidekick everything, but Darkstalker is our king!"

Yeah, yeah, she thought grumpily. Darkstlkaer could be her king the day Glory died, which in her mind was going to be never, because that was just the kind of queen Glory was.

"Leave now. She's mine!" Darkstalker growled to the Queens around him, who had risen into flight to follow. What Kinkajou wasn't expecting, though she supposed she should have, was Turtle to follow the command as well, though all Moon did was flinch from the force of the roar.

"He's so angry," she whispered, "I can feel it, he's so angry, he can't think of anything but his anger." She shuddered, "I've never felt him this angry before, I don't think he's ever been this angry."

Now, somehow they needed to escape from the dragon the size of a small mountain that was following them. She needed a plan, and slowly she started to get a super awesome idea. Not only would it allow them to escape, but it would also totally obliterate Darkstalker.

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