Chapter 17

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As Kinkajou creeps through the hall her mind is a buzz of noise. Everywhere she looks she sees evidence of Darkstalker's stay. A classroom filled with row after of paints from every corner of the kingdom. An open roofed room with a ceiling covered in swirling stars despite it being deep underground. And most of all, corridors and classrooms easily large enough for even Darkstalker to fit comfortably. All stuff that the dragonets of destiny had shown them during the tour. None of it was what Kinkajou was looking for though.

If I was a super evil animus nightwing, where would I put my friend I enchanted to sleep. The dungeon? But that didn't really seem like Darkstalker, he was more of a 'make everyone worship you through magic' kind of guy. And besides, Jade Mountain doesn't have dungeons, or it didn't last time she was here.

Suddenly, an idea clicked. Turtle had a magic item to find things, and Kinkajou is like 95% certain her awesome sidekick hadn't left Jade Mountain, meaning his pile of weird magical items is probably here with him.

Turning on her tail she races down the corridor she came from. Her awesome plan solidified in her mind. After taking a turn down a few more corridors she finds herself in the living caves. Their shadowy entrances stretching up the hall. Turtle's cave is to the right, about halfway down the hall.

She finds Turtle curled up in a shallow pool of water snoring gently when she finally enters the cave, which is easily twice the size that it was previously. Only one of the two other beds is full, an icewing with super awesome glittery scales curled up in the corner. Altas, Kinkajou remembers, the icewing that Queen Snowfall sent to replace Winter

"Hey, Turtle," Kinkajou whispers, shaking him by the wing, "Wake up."

Turtle, who Kinkajou is fairly sure is really a banana slug, barely stirs. "No, go away," he grumbles, "let me sle..." before dozing off again.

"Turtle! I need my super epic sidekick to help me save the world," Kinkajou calls, her scales flashing with emerald annoyance. "If you don't get up and help me, the next time you're in the rainforest you're going to get a surprise pineapple in the face."

"Kinkajou!" Turtle says, finally awake. "Your back, we were worried about you." Taking a moment to stretch, Turtle ruffles around in his pouch and pulls out a small river pebble. Rubbing the smooth stone across his wings and tail he sighs, "You would not believe how sore I am, our winglet, or what was left of it, was doing Darkstalker's advanced flight technique class yesterday and wow, it was a lot of flying."

"Now, why are you here in my cave in the middle of the night, at least I'm assuming it's the middle of the night from the fact that Atlas over there is still asleep."

"I'm not. Your babbling makes sleep slightly difficult, and if you don't stop we're going to have an unfortunate accident that ends up with you being found in the morning with a wad of seaweed stuffed down your throat." Atlas growls from across the cave.

"Oh, wow. Look who's a total grump," Kinkajou says, "Anyway, Turtle do you still have your magic coral thing."

Looking confused, Turtle nods, "Yes, why? What are you looking for?"

"Grab it and come meet me in the hallway. I think King Grumpy Grouch here is planning on getting even grumpier if we continue to disturb his beauty sleep."

With a sigh, Turtle slowly pulls himself out of his sleeping pool before returning the river pebble to his pouch and following Kinakjou out into the hall.

Taking a deep breath, Kinkajou tells Turtle everything that happened while they were on their super awesome trip to save the world. Carefully leaving out anything that would make Turtle to suspicious about Darkstalker's spell not working. When she is done, Turtle looks concerned.

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