Chapter 13

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Kinkajou is soaring over dark gray stone intermittently dotted with scraggly trees when Tsunami swoops back to call a halt. They had been flying ever since they left the icekingdom almost three entire days ago, without any knowledge of what was happening at Jade Mountain, and the suspense had been driving her crazy.

"We'll camp here," Tsunami calls to them as she swoops down to a rocky cave opening outlined in the grey of the fading day, "No fire, we're close enough for the smoke to be seen and I don't want us to be noticed."

Tsunami is the first to land, staggering slightly from fatigue as her talons touch the hard-packed soil. As Kinkajou follows her, the sword on her back flares cold for a moment, almost making her cry out.

What are your secrets sword? I will totally figure you out, Kinkajou thinks as the sword gives one last flare of cold and then slowly heats up back to a regular icy cold instead of an extremely cold magical one. The sword had been acting totally mysterious and smug and freezing her back every other minute ever since they left the icekingdom.

It was mysterious and totally a mystery she could solve. It had happened for the first time while in the castle with Cintre, while she was sleeping, it had woken her up with dreams of ice and darkness.

As the dark cave envelopes her, a shiver travels down her spine. After a moment, Tsunami curls up alone in a corner of the room. Her tail thrashing as she begins to settle into an uneasy sleep.

Behind her, with a faint clicking of claws, Moon enters the cave. Her black wings brush past Kinkajou's as she moves past. She glances at Tsunami and a look of deep worry flashes across her face. They all were worried for their friends, though Kinkajou knew that her epic amazing friends back at Jade Mountain academy would obviously be fine because they were all totally awesome.

But Tsunami was more worried than any of them, not only for her friends, but every student entrusted to her, and she felt personally responsible for them. It also didn't help that Jade Mountain was supposed to contact them on the dream visitor every chance they could but the contact had only taken place once before Jade Mountain had gone silent. It had reached the point that whenever Moon saw Tsunami she had to wince at her thoughts.

After a moment, Moon makes her way to the opposite side of the cave and settles herself on the stone, worry etched onto her face. Kinkajou hates seeing her friends so sad, they should be happy. They can do this, they should realize that.

As Kinkajou slides down beside Moon, Moon sighs and looks over at Kinkajou.

"I'm worried about Tsunami. Worry for our friends is driving her mad. As far as I can tell she hasn't slept for more than a few hours in days and her thoughts and dreams are continuously haunted by visions of Darkstalker hurting her friends and students. She can't keep this up,"

The solution to this problem seemed obvious to Kinkajou. Defeat the totally evil baddy named Darkstalker that was causing Tsunami all the stress in the first place. So that's exactly what Kinkajou says.

"Well then let's go defeat Darkstalker. That will totally make Tsunami's nightmares about Darkstalker hurting her students go away. Especially since we have this really cool magical animus ice sword," Kinkajou says.

"Yes, but how?" Moon asks, "We have no idea what's happening let alone what spells he's used to protect himself?" As she speaks, Moon's worried face gains a tinge of sadness. "Oh, Darkstalker, why did it have to go this way," she whispers to herself.

"Because he is an evil mean smug face," Kinkajou says, which is totally obvious. But Moon was his friend and Moon still feels sorry for him, even though Darkstalker is totally evil. Flashes of sympathy for her friends wash across her scales, entwined with golden streaks of love.

Suddenly the look on Moon's face becomes alert, and barely audible, the sound of heavy wings. Looking over, Kinkajou can see that Tsunami has stilled as well, her eyes alert and trained on the cave entrance.

As they watch the entrance, Kinkajou whispers "We should go warn them that the evil baddy Darkstalker has returned. It will be awesome, they will be 'oh, how thankful we are for you warning us about this, lets's join your epic amazing team, and together we can defeat that awful Villian.'"

Moon visibly has to prevent herself from giggling and snorts a quiet laugh. "Sure, they might say that or they might say..."'

As her sentence trails into nothing, Moon's face becomes creased with worry. Quickly Moon shakes her head at them all and motions for them to be quiet. What did Moon sense, Kinkajou wonders? Some dark vision or evil though. Since she had gotten the skyfire and Moon had stopped replying directly to her thoughts, which was an extremely cool power, she had totally forgotten about Moon's totally epic powers for like three seconds.

Finally, after an eternity of waiting silence, which Drove Kinkajou crazy with suppressed energy the sounds fade back into the night. A moment later, Tsunami turns to Moon, "What made you so worried?"

After a moment Moon answers, "Their thoughts, all most dragons think about when flying is where the next stop is, or when they are going to eat next, these dragons only had one thought, circling around their mind on repeat. Come to Jade Mountain, come and meet your king."

Tsunami is immediately wide awake, scales along her snout and wings flashing worriedly. "Then we need to get to Jade Mountain now, I can't have my students in danger," she growls.

"Wait," Moon says quickly, "The logic still stands, Darkstalker and other nightwings are more active at night and so by traveling by day we can avoid Darkstalker's notice. Besides, one night won't change anything and it will be better to get there well-rested and during the day, when we are more active."

"Moon's logic is totally absolutely correct. It will totally be worth it to catch that evil face off guard and wipe the smug look he probably is wearing right now of his totally sinister face," she chimes in.

Tsunami's face looks conflicted, but eventually, after a long moment their awesome logic begins to take hold and Tsunami stalks back to her corner and sinks to the floor, her tail thrashing furiously as she does, "I don't like this," she growls unhappily. "My students are in danger and I should be there for them. I promised the queens they would be safe."

They all descend into worried silence as they settle down for the night, their situation is coming to a head and Kinkajou is sure that the future will hold lots of awesome life-saving and other amazing hero stuff. It is totally time for them to save the world.

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