Chapter 2

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Moon immediately collapses to the ground, overwhelmed by visions. Words spiral out of her mouth in a voice that is not her own.

"Darkness twice vanquished will rise again

Greater than Before

A hero must rise

Brave of heart

Keen of mind

Good of soul

All must be found beneath the ice

Or all show bow to darkness as darkness rises one final time"

From all around the clearing, various creatures scampered, flew, and slithered away, getting as far away as possible from the humongous dragon that now dominated the center of the clearing. Just like those many animals, Kinkajou was almost overtaken by an urge to flee, or fight, or hide behind her camouflage scales.

But the nasty evil Darkstalker didn't scare her, she had survived the nightwing prison and come out unscathed. She had helped her queen claim the throne. She had collected scroll pieces and wrote the spell that defeated Darkstalker the first time. She was not afraid of him, or at least that's what she told herself. It didn't help much.

The earring looks comically small on Paecemaker, no, Darkstalker's ear. Its bright gold color clashing slightly with Darkstalker's deep shadowy scales. It was no larger than one of his talons, but it held such power.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Darkstalker's voice echoes over the rainforest, causing a flock of toucans, who apparently were late getting the message that it was time to flee, to fly away, squawking indignantly. "You certainly put a kink in my plans."

Hah, even he acknowledges that we won. We defeated him once, we can do it again. A little of the green fades out of Kinkajou's scales, being replaced with splotches of angry red. It doesn't matter how powerful he is, because I have amazing friends, and together we can do anything. Kinkajou thinks.

Darkstalker takes off the enchanted earring and examines it. "You know, these were a large part of what caused my defeat. Now they are what is letting me rise again." Darkstalker says, slowly twirling hit in his talon. Suddenly he closes his talon around the earing, crushing it. "Gather the queens to Jade Mountain. I will be back in one week and I expect them to all be there. Do not try to deceive me."

As Darkstalker is tensed to leave, he turns back. "I can't have you interfering with my plans again. So, sorry about this, but, I enchant every animus dragon other than me in all of Phyria to lose their animus magic, no spells will work even if they later become immune to my magic."

Kinkajou doesn't feel anything, but she sees Turtle visibly flinch. His eyes show visible panic, probably as he remembers the last time Darkstalker cast a similar spell on him.

Finally, Darkstalker spreads his immense black wings and springs into the air, his immense wings flapping as they lift him into the sky, and he soars away. No one moves for a long minute, even the ever-present sound of the rainforest is silent.

Around them rainwings are slowly returning to sight, each one scales have turned a terrifying green, mirroring Kinkajou's own scales and the expressions on all their faces.

"Well, that was unexpected," Moon sighs. "I really thought we had seen the last of him."

"Unfair! We already defeated him, when we are heroic and awesome and defeat a villain, the least they could do is stay defeated." Kinkajou grumbles. Well, there goes the cute little dragon eating strawberries, she thinks.

"Well, we better go warn the queens," Moon says.

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