Chapter 9

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The icewings dive down from the sky, surrounding them. A large male icewing with scars up and down his wings flies forward. The sun glints off his teeth and claws as he speaks, his voice gravely and cold "Explain yourselves."

"I'm Tsunami, headmaster of Jade Mountain, and this is Moon and Kinkajou, we have business in the ice kingdom," Tsunami says, flying forward to meet the icewing, who is a good few talons taller than her.

"Tsunami? Really," he scoffs, "But that still doesn't answer the question about what you're doing in our kingdom, or how?" He says, taking on a totally unnecessary dangerous tone near the end "And don't try to lie to us."

Tsunami shifts to her full height in response. "Queen Glacier left us with the Gift of Diplomacy, She said it was better if there was a way for other dragons to reach the icekingdom in an emergency. And if you have to stop us, why don't we land and talk like civilized dragons."

Which in Kinkajou's experience is always the best way to sort out differences, like really fighting is so overrated. Who would want to fight when they could just find a peaceful solution?

These dragons apparently, "Glacier is no longer queen," the leader snarls, ignoring Tsunami's polite request to land "And from what I know of Queen Snowfall, she would be very interested in meeting any non-icewing dragon found with an icewing gift. Soldiers. Seize them, they are coming with us to meet the queen."

Kinkajou can feel annoyance and slight anger splashing across her scales. Like really, totally unfair, what had they done to him?

Tsunami clenches her claws slightly as if she wants to fight them, but then glances at Kinkajou and Moon and doesn't resist as the icewings surround them in a well-rehearsed formation.

"Darkstalker has returned and you're worried about us!" Tsunami growls back at them, sparking an instant reaction from the icewings. They hesitate, looking back at their leader, who gives them a cold glare in response.

"I said, seize them, or do you want all your names to fall all the way down to the seventh circle for cowardice, because I can certainly arrange that when we return." He growls.

"But..." a soldier starts, then stops. Yes, general."

"You totally are going to be regretting this decision when we have totally defeated Darkstalker again and you just delayed us by like an extra minute," she says as indignant colors flash across our scales.

Nervously, the icewing soldiers fly around her and her friends.

The same nervous guard that almost questioned the general's order whispers to Tsunami, "Is it really true? Darkstalker has returned, he's coming for us all?"

"Yes, and we had, have a plan to stop him if we could actually make it back to Jade Mountain, instead of another ice palace." Tsunami growls back angrily.

"Darkstalker," the soldier whispers, "We need to run, we need to hide, we need to warn the tribe." As the icewing goes on, she gets more and more panicked. Kinkajou feels a stab of understanding for this poor soldier. Darkstalker is dangerous, and he almost killed the entire icewing tribe the last time he rose.

"Fleet! Return to your post. If Darkstalker has indeed returned we will fight like icewings. We will win the war we failed to finish last time. Icewings do not run." The general growls to the soldier.

A short but fierce battle between discipline and fear is visible on Fleet's face until discipline wins. She flies back to her spot in the formation surrounding them, though even as they fly Kinkajou can see Fleet shaking slightly from fear.

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