Chapter 14

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No one greets them when they soar down from the sky to land on the dark stone in front of Jade Mountain's main entrance. Glancing worriedly at Moon and Kinkajou, Tsunami puts a determined look on and says, "Come on, we'll take the entrance through Stonemover's cave. If something happened it is less likely to be watched, and if Stonemover is still there he might be able to tell us what happened."

Wings full of tension, Tsunami vaults up into the sky, her wings glinting in the sun as she glides up towards Jade Mountain's clawlike peak. Kinkajou can tell her epic friend is still worried from the creepy message in the dragons' minds last night, come to Jade Mountain, come and meet your king, no matter how hard she tries to hide it.

Kinkajou leaps into the air after Tsunami and angles her wings to catch the updraft of air rising over Jade Mountain. From up here she can see for miles around, as all around ragged peaks claw for the sky.

As KInkajou's claws touch the rough stone of the mountaintop beside Tsunami, silence echoes back to her. Creepy, her mind whispers. Noise had always surrounded her in the rainforest, the warble of birds, the squeal of monkeys, and the chatter of monkeys had always been her companion. Since being captured by Nightwing and Jade Mountain Academy, she had had some experience with silence, but she had never liked it. And right now Jade Mountain echoed with that silence. The creepiness brings a shiver to her scales.

Together the three of them enter the looming dark of the mountain, the waiting darkness engulfing them as thoroughly as the silence.

As her eyes adjust, she makes out the faint form of a cave. During her time at Jade Mountain Academy, she had never been up here, though it had totally been on her list of things she definitely wanted to get done, I mean everyone calls Stonemover an old bore, but think of all the totally interesting things he might know. Even Coconut was interesting sometimes, well once in a while, actually, maybe she could vaguely remember him doing something energetic and awesome once. But she couldn't imagine a dragon living in this dreary cave. She didn't love the idea of living in caves in general, but their caves at Jade Mountain had always been full of life and light. This looked plain, with no life except a singular fox that was patiently sitting in the middle of the room, holding a dead vole in its mouth.

What is that fox doing? She wonders. Any of the times an animal had run into her, it had immediately scampered the other way as fast as it could, which was honestly slightly insulting. Even the thought of eating an animal was disgusting, and she would never understand how the other tribes, or even their epic queen herself, ate meat, bleagh. This fox just sat there and stared with its beady little eyes, seemingly unafraid of the dragons around it.

"Stonemover?" Tsunami calls softly, her voice piercing through the silence, "Are you here?"

No sound echoes back to Kinkajou's ears, in a totally super eerie and sinister way. Even the air seems to be full of tension waiting to strike. She shivers at that thought. As Tsunami turns to face Kinkajou, she spots the fox and her eyes go dark.

"That's Dinner," she says.

Dinner, Tsunami's is thinking about eating? She hadn't realized that Tsunami was the type of dragon that would eat in the middle of the day, I guess most of my tribe would suddenly sit down for a mango in the middle of an epic fight for the fate of the world. But Tsunami had always struck her as a fierce warrior hero that probably wouldn't stop for that mango. Maybe Clay was starting to rub off on her.

"Oooh, a midday snack. Are you sure you weren't replaced with Clay? I mean I totally agree that a midday snack can be absolutely delicious, but like meat, eeew. Wouldn't you much rather have a banana or a strawberry?"

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