Chapter 19

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Nothing happened at first, and Kinkajou was about to turn away in disappointment when she noticed Moon shift slowly. It worked, her awesome plan was working. Then her eyes snapped open, pure white.

Six queens turn to one,

Soon to be no more,

As the third moon rises

Darkness and power

Joined as one will paint the world black

And darkness becomes the king of all

Unless the shadow falls,

The moon sets,

and ice paints the darkness white

Kinkajou shivered, as another prophecy this was possibly even creepier than the last one, and that one had already been like super duper creepy. Then as quickly as it had come Moon collapsed back against the stone once more.

"That was... ominous," Turtle whispered, looking unsettled.

It totally was, but there was no use worrying about totally creepy prophecies, because now they had Moon back, and together they could solve anything.

"Moon, Moon," she called, nearly pouncing on her friend, "Time to get up, we have a world to save again. You know, when we save it, the least it could do is stay saved."

Groaning, Moon slowly opened her eyes again, this time with the normal pupils and not the weird prophecy eyes. It was a relief.

"Kinkajou," she muttered, "What happened... Darkstalker..." Then her eyes went wide with panic, "Darkstalker, tonight, he's planning something, to cast a spell. If he does there will be no going back. We have to stop him, if it's not already to late."

Well, it seemed like the perfect time to be all heroic and everything.

"Well then come on, let's go!" She called, turning and bounding down the corridor, dragging the still-staggering Moon with her.

"Wait, what is our plan, do we have a plan?" Turtle asked breathlessly as he ran behind Kinkajou.

"We're going to improvise! I'm the amazing Kinkajou and you're my super awesome companions, we can definitely defeat one measly Nightwing."

"One measly nightwing who just happens to be the most powerful animus on the continent, not to mention immortal." Turtle grumbled.

Moon nodded slowly, shaking off the last of her grogginess. "Kinkajou, while I am certain you could defeat with your personality alone, I think Turtle is probably right here, we should have a plan."

"Boring," she grumbled, but she supposed they could put off saving the world just a little to figure out some of the details. It could make their awesome soon-to-be victory even more awesome.

Moon nodded, and they pulled off into one of the side rooms, one which seemed to have some type of blueprint resembling what seemed to be Jade Mountain, but expanded to the extreme, hovering insubstantially in the air. It not for a few of the still familiar features, Kinkajou might not have recognized it.

It looked as much like a palace as a school, with elegant designs and massive rooms. It was probably both, she realized as she noticed that the new and expanded entrance hall had been relabeled to a Throne Room, which in Kinkajou's opinion were totally just unnecessary displays of wealth.

Then Moon spoke, distracting her from the diagram in front of her.

"I'm not entirely sure about what he's planning, he never quite told me, but I know its a spell, something he's been preparing to do for a long time. He told me that he would be able to wake me up after this, to show me how much better things are under his rule."
"So what do we do about it?" Turtle asked, and Moon shook her head.

"I'm not sure. How did you free me from the sleep spell, let alone break free from his spell, I thought he destroyed all the protection enchantments?"

"You know the cool ice sword we went all the way to the ice kingdom to find. Turns out it has totally mysterious powers that can break animus enchantments."

"It was made to fight animuses, I suppose it would make sense for it to have that power," Moon said, "Maybe it can break some of his defensive enchantments as well, I wish we knew more about it."

Turtle nodded, "So are we going to talk about your ominous prophecy or not?" he asked, "what was it, six queens to turn to one, soon to be no more? Should we be worried about that?" he asked nervously.

Moon groaned, "I'm starting to understand why Tsunami hates prophecies. It's probably related to the spell Darkstalker has planned for tonight. I don't think trying to decipher the rest will be super helpful in this situation. From experience, prophecies tend to remain mysterious until they actually come to pass. The third moon rises at around midnight I think, if this is still around the time Darkstalker enchanted me to sleep. It is, right?

"Yeah," Turtle said, "So, what's the plan? It's around an hour to midnight, I think."

"I don't think there is one," Moon said wincing, "There's just too much we don't know. I think we'll just have to improvise and hope that Kinkajou's sword is strong enough to cut through some of Darkstalker's enchantments."

"So we'll just have to show the world the epic power of Kinkajou and her awesome sidekicks." She crowed, "Now let's go, we have a super evil villain to stop."

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