Chapter 24

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Darkstalker paused, the rage slowly draining out of his expression, being replaced with panic.

"Moon," Darkstlstalker whispered, his voice filled with terror, as he dove towards her limp form, "I can't lose you too. Not after everything. You're all I have left, what use is any of this without you?"

Moon couldn't die, she just couldn't. She was Kinkajou's best friend and one of her super awesome sidekicks. Kinkajou needed Moon. She just couldn't die.

"Darkstalker..." Moon said, her voice barely audible, as he loomed over her, cradling her in his arms.

"No! I can't allow it," Darkstalker growled, desperate, "I enchant you to heal. I remove death's claim on you. I enchant it so that you will never die, and will live on immortal with me."

Hope bloomed across Kinkajou's scales, but Darkstalker was no longer an animus, and the broken scales covering Moon's body didn't even twitch.

"No, no, no, no!" He cried seemingly unnoticing as the figure of the guardian stepped behind him, and with a serene calmness, placed a claw against the scales of Darkstalker's talon.

Nothing seemed to happen for a moment, and then ice slowly began to spread outward, devouring midnight black into its pure white. But Kinkajou cared about none of it, her best friend, Moon was dying, red blood slowly seeping over the pristine white.

It was her fault, that was the thought that stuck her. Moon had died saving her from Darkstalker. Pain and anguish washed over her, covering her scales. She was crying, not that it mattered. Not that any of it mattered.

"He was not worthy," the guardian said as the ice spread across Darkstlaker's scales, across his wings, across his face. When it reached his talons it seemed to hesitate, as if encased them in ice, and then it spread further, slipping directly from Darkstalker's scales onto Moon's.

"And neither was she," The guardian finished, seemingly unaware of the turmoil around it. The dying nightwings and what was probably the first blood to touch these pristine castle walls in what had to be thousands of years.

"Why..." Kinkajou whispered, grief muting out all other emotions. If Moon hadn't saved her she would still be alive. The moon sets, and ice paints the darkness white. She had realized what the second part had meant, that was the whole idea of her plan, to have the guardian totally obliterate Darkstalker. But only now did she realize the meaning of the first line.

She even wondered if Moon knew, Kinkajou had no idea how her super inexplicable nightwing superpowers worked. Either way she was gone, and nothing but grief remained.

As she watched the ice slide over Moon's scales, turning them white. And as she watched Moon's eyes closed and the ice slipped across the final scales of her face, leaving both her and Darkstlalker enveloped in ice.

A sculpture of a massive dragon crowned in darkness crying over the limp form of Kinkajou's best friend was all that was left.

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