Chapter 6

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 "Who are you? Show yourself!" Tsunami roars.

They all are looking around, trying to find the source of the sound.

"I go by many names, Coldspike's gift, the gift of protection, the animus gift gone wrong, take your pick. Or make a new one, call me what you want. And why should I show myself, I am quite enjoying this conversation, I wouldn't want you to be scared.

"Scared! Why should we be scared," Tsunami says, but Kinkajou can tell that she is slightly worried, animus spells are not to be messed with.

"Fine, if you insist," it says.

Something moves on a balcony directly above the throne, the light shining from the fountain glints on something shifting slightly. The balcony is nothing special, just a frozen slab of ice elegantly carved with designs of snowflakes and icicles.

An icewing glides down from the balcony, its scales are the color of pure ice, as if they are made of ice. Wait, that dragon is slightly transparent, she thinks just as at exactly the same time another part of her brain thinks Ooo, shiny. She suddenly realizes something, the dragon looks identical to the various ice statues that dot the room. Frozen, and made completely of ice.

It lands and folds its wings and even from across the room Kinkajou can feel the cold radiating from them. Cold enough to make the ice kingdom seem like a tropical rainforest.

"Now what are three dragonets doing in an ancient icewing palace? It is almost too bad none of you willl likely leave. Almost." Nothing changes as it delivers these words, it stands completely motionless not a frozen limb shifting so much as an inch.

Tsunami instantly shifts into a battle position, posing herself in between it and them. She flexes her claws, preparing for a fight.

"Now, now. I wouldn't do that. Attacking me won't let you leave Tsunami. Neither will it save those two behind you. Kinkajou and Moon." It pauses, "Now, it is time to be judged, just like the icewings around you were, they were all unworthy."

Oh, that's what happened, She realizes, On one hand, cool ice power, but on the other hand. We are definitely going to get frozen into popsicles. Tsunami must also realize this because she lunges at the frozen dragon, who makes no move to defend itself, shattering it into a thousand shards of ice.

They all look at the pile of shards."It can't just be that easy," Moon says, "some icewings would have tried that," Moon says, but nothing moves. The pile of shards that was an ancient powerful malevolent animus gift remains lifeless.

"Well maybe it is, maybe the icewings just weren't willing to fight." Tsunami says though she sounds dubious.

"Icewings?" Moon says. "Unless much more than we realized has changed in these four thousand years at least one icewings would have tried that. Can you ever imagine icewings being peaceful and not willing to fight when threatened?"

They never get to hear Tsunami's reply, for at that moment they notice that the shards of ice have started glowing slightly. They slowly began to shift, as if by a frozen wind, and rise off the ground slightly. And then, slowly they began to put themselves back together. A puzzle of infinite complexity forming in the middle of the room. A puzzle where each piece knows exactly where it belongs and how to get there. Really cool awesome animus magic, A ball of ice forms and begins to grow, soon beginning to take the shape of a dragon. Slowly details begin to become visible again, scales, a snout, claws, the spikes on its tail.

Finally it speaks, "Really now, that was annoying. What did you even expect that to accomplish there." Despite its words, its tone does not change. Still cold and icy.

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