Chapter 23

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She dove down towards the mountain, soaring directly into the cast entrance hall. What she needed was deeper in the mountain, but this was the fastest way. Another super awesome advantage to this that she hadn't thought about was that Darkstalker couldn't nearly as easily follow.

The tunnels were large, and with his improvements, he could even stride through them comfortably, but he was far too large to fly through them as Kinkajou and Moon could.

She could feel his roar of rage as he was forced to land and continue on foot.

Among the many, if Kinkajou was forced to admit, awesome improvements Darkstalker had made that Kinkajou had seen on her tour, there was a way to travel anywhere on the continent from the school. It was similar to Stonemover's gateways but could travel anywhere instead of just between two prerecorded locations.

Along the way, she blew past several dragons, mostly nightwings, who growled a warning at her to slow down. She even shot past Starflight at one point, who seemed to be carrying a pile of scrolls towards the library.

"Kinkajou?" He asked worriedly as she blew past, his new eyes narrowing in the starlight, "Is something happening, where are you going?"

She didn't answer and soon Starflight was behind her, standing somewhat bewildered as she disappeared down another hall.

When Kinkajou reached her destination, it was currently lifeless, simply an entrance leading to nowhere, but as she pressed her hand against the stone and imagined the great mountains of the eastern ice kingdom, the wall seemed to shift and the stone seemed to melt away to reveal a blizzard landscape outside.

It was as magnificent as when Kinkajou had seen it the first time, if still missing the energetic colors of the rainforest, but Kinkajou could hear Darkstalker in the corridors behind her. behind her and she dove through into the icy sky, Moon a moment behind her.

"What?" Moon asked hesitantly, "Why are we in the ice kingdom, do you have a pla..."

Then her eyes lit up with realization, "Oh, the guardian, right. That's a good idea,"

"Of course it is," Kinkajou said, her scales glowing yellow, "I'm the super awesome amazing Kinkajou after all."

She dove quickly through the mountain range, searching for the massive door carved into a mountain of ice that would represent the old icewing palace. She spotted it just as the air behind her seemed to shift, revealing a massive black dragon.

She shot towards it, her wings already shivering from the cold, Moon beside her and Darkstalker hurtling towards them from behind.

Then Moon frowned, "What about the gift of diplomacy, wasn't that how we entered before?"

She realized that was a small flaw in her plan. They'd returned the gift of diplomacy to Jade Mountain Academy when they had returned and in the excitement of the moment she'd forgotten that the icewing castle wasn't super welcoming to nonicewings.

Then she had to dive out of the way as Darkstalker dove past them, slamming into the entrance of the icewing castle with enough force to cause a small avalanche of snow around him, and then, slowly, the massive door swung open.

Darkstalker's part icewing, Kinkajou remembered. Which was totally awesome. He would be part of his own obliteration once again. She dove through the entrance and into the frozen castle the moment she could.

Moon, however, hesitated near the entrance, "I probably shouldn't enter, the guardian never found me worthy. Darkstalker's not after me anyway."

Which left the amazing Kinkajou to brave the ancient icewing castle and find help to defeat the super sinister dragon behind them. The castle was the same as it had been left, frozen ice sculptures lining the room, each one seemingly carved in a perfect mask of panic and fear. The eerie creepiness of it made her shiver.

Now they just needed to find the super powerful icewing gift who was totally going to obliterate Darkstalker before Darkstalker obliterated them.

As if in answer to her thoughts, there was a flicker of movement on one of the balconies above the far end of the hall. Slowly, seemingly lazily, one of the many figures of ice shifted as it spread its translucent wings and slowly glided towards them.

"Welcome back, Kinkajou, the one who I found to be worthy," it said, its vice cold and crisp, without a hint of emotion. Behind her, she felt a rush of wind as a vast shape the color of midnight dove into the castle behind her. "And another as well, how nice. Hello Darkstalker, one yet to be tested."

Darkstalker growled a wordless roar of fry, and dove at Kinkajou with his talons outstretched, completely ignoring the guardian as it glided towards him. It was all Kinkajou could do to avoid being gutted as she stumbled backward.

"What have you done!" he growled as he lunged at her again, his tail smashing through the sculpture of a small female icewing with its wings half extended and a look of pure terror scarring its features as it hurtled towards her.

She was still off balance from the previous attack, and she couldn't dodge it. Indignation spread across her scales. This was how the amazing Kinkajou was going to die, among statues of ice without a hint of the rainforest in sight.

"No!" She heard Moon cry as a black shape dove in front of her and Darkstalker's tail smashed into it with enough force that Kinkajou heard a sickening crack. Horror spread across her scales as Moon's limp body was flung across the room with another sickening crunch.

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