Maia Headcannons

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Short Headcannons of Maiar with their s/o
(I only did a few of them cause I ran out of ideas)

Ilmarё is very loving to you in private but will be less affectionate in public as she is Varda's personal maia and is known to have a fierce and reserved attitude. But that does not mean she will not hold your hand as you both stroll around the gardens of Arda.

Ёonwё will be not afraid nor is he embarrassed to give you lots of affection to you which you reciprocate shyly in both public and private. The sweetest lovebirds in all of Arda is what Manwё call you two.

Olórin, soft with his affection, soft kisses to the cheek and forehead. Warm hugs and small compliments here and there for you. Will give you flowers and a show of fireworks just for you.

Mairon does not show affection much due to his sassy nature. If anything rarely shows it. Though he does make sure to at least let you know his feelings through gifts that he made himself and will give you quick pecks to the cheek and a quick hug.

Aiwendil has animals around him every time. Each little date with him most of the time are animals cuddling up to you and him and giving you gifts like flowers and fruits. He loves to give hugs most of the time from morning to night.

Curumo likes to give you gifts of jewelry crafted by his own hands. And amazing you with spells that he can do. He also likes to stay in with you and cuddle. He also likes to teach you smithery himself. 

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