🏺Galadriel and Celeborn 🏺

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Galadriel and Celeborn adopting a human baby

- Your village was being overrun by orcs.

- Your mother was panicking as she placed you gently in the blanket filled basket with a letter saying apologies and hopes for whoever person who found you will take great care of you.

- Galadriel found you floating on the river in Lothlorien inside a small basket.

- She didn't hesitate to take you in as her own.

- Celeborn was a little hesitant at first but soon accepted you as his own too.

- They called you 'little starlight' as your nickname.

- Both of them are very protective of you, not wanting to lose you as what happened to their other daughter, Celebrian.

- They both would make sure that you are healthy and well-learned. They taught you languages of elves. They also teach you your people's language, but your pretty much more complex and comfortable with speaking elvish.

- They take you with them to every occasion that elves had, wanting you to experience the festivities that elves do.
Celeborn is always keeping on watch, he doesn't want any elf just flirting you, making you uncomfortable.

- They also take you to Gondor, and there you met your adoptive niece (Arwen) and her husband (Aragorn) and their children.

- You would also meet your brother in law Elrond in one of the parties. The two of you chatting and having fun.

- You had a lot of fun with your stay in Gondor and you asked your parents if you could visit again. To which they agreed.

- Galadriel will want you to be taught with fighting skills so you can defend yourself whenever you are troubled/surrounded by orcs.

- But that doesn't stop Celeborn from sending guards with you every time you are outside Lothlorien.

- If you ever fell in love with one of your suitors, they will be happy for you (Celeborn will also be a bit cautious about your suitor at first).

- Sometimes when they look at you, they are reminded that you are human. And they are completely saddened because you will pass away quickly than them.

- Galadriel will make sure that your wedding will be the best and memorable moments in your life.

- They will always shower you with letters and gifts back at home. They would also visit you and you family. Spending their time with you as much as they could.

- When you are old and about to pass away, Galadriel, Celeborn, Elrond, Arsenal and your nephew and nieces would come visit you and spend the last moments with you, recalling about the happy moments that happened in the past.

- Galadriel will kiss your temple while Celeborn kissed the other, tears slip from their eyes as you said your goodbyes, your light fading away from the world.

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