My Hero Academia - Hawks

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Secret Love

You had been living with Hawks for three years now. When you left you abusive ex and ran away, you didn't imagine running into the arms of your high school best friend and crush and that he would offer you a place to live. It was weird for you, but considering you needed it, you didn't even hesitate.

What a bad idea that was. Truly, you never got over your crush on him. Hawks was as charming as ever and being around him all the time, only reminded you how much you loved him and how bad your choices were after him. And it was killing you to see him with ladies every now and then. You've had enough. After three years, you already had enough savings and were ready to start your life again.

Finally, you gathered all your courage and one night, you left your room with all your bags only to find him in the living room. "Kei, I think I'm ready to leave." You said expecting not to sound so heartbroken.

"Where to? Do you have plans today?" He didn't even look at you, he was still focus on the tv. When you didn't answer, he looked back and saw you standing there with your bags, "Seriously, do you have a trip or something?" He wasn't grasping what was happening, then it hit him. "No." he said standing up.

You continued with what you had planned. "I want to thank you for helping me all these years, but I think I took enough advantage of you by now. It's time for me to go." He tried to take the bags from your hands, but he forgot your quirk and how you could attach yourself to things.

"No! You haven't! You haven't taken advantage of me enough! There is plenty to take still! Come on, Y/N. Don't do this." He said, somehow, he was losing his mind, you didn't understand why, he stopped pacing and looked at you, hurt. "Is there someone else? You found someone else? That is why you are leaving me? I can be better. Just tell me what you need."

"What?" Is the only think that came out of your mouth. "No, there is no one else. But why are you talking like if I was breaking up with you? Don't you have like a bunch of girlfriends at your disposal?" Something bitter came out of you.

"I don't have other girlfriends! I wouldn't do that to you!" He screamed at you, you tried to move but his feathers blocked your path.

"I am not your girlfriend, Kei!" It was such a weird conversation. The feathers went back to him, he realized what might be missing for you.

Hawks took your hand carefully, "I know you are not, Y/N. But I really like you, I've always liked you, and I want you to be." You tried to talk, but he put a finger over your mouth, "I know what you are going to say, you have been through a lot, so I didn't want to push you, I was taking things as slow as I could, so that you could heal and be ready to feel loved again." You couldn't believe it, you dropped your bag, and he guided you to the sofa, "I haven't dated anyone since we saw each other again. I was so ashamed too, you were so sad, and I was worried about you, but I was like "This is my chance to win her heart. I won't lose again." I don't want you to go. Please, Y/N."

Instinctively, you hugged Hawks, and he wrapped his arms around you. It was so magical to be able to hug each other, "I am in love with you, I've been for a while, even after all these years apart." He smiled at you and pulled your chin to leave a gentle kiss.

"Then, we'll take those bags back, or better; we can move them to my room." He would never change, but that is what you loved about him. and you will do it forever.

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