Naruto - Gaara

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"You have to tell him, Y/N." Temari kept pushing you. "Come on, this doesn't make sense. He is the Kazekage! He can stop this!" To you, there was not much that could be done.

"Who can stop what?" Kankuro jumped in on your conversation, as usual, he was the most intrusive of the Sand Siblings. "Are you talking about Gaara?"

You tried to stop it, but Temari was faster than you, "Y/N's parents are going to force her into marrying a guy she doesn't love." The moment you told Temari everything, there was something that told you that you would regret it. This was it.

"That sucks, Y/N. But I'm sure Gaara can stop it. Besides, he is like super in love with you. Well, as for what he knows about love, but he is." He said in such a casual way, still it didn't make sense in your head. Why would Gaara, if he ever had the chance to fall in love, fall in love with you of all people?

"Guys, I swear, my life is difficult enough without you making fun of it. I will just deal with my destiny, and I'll see what will happen. I guess." You left the siblings alone.

"Is she for real?" Kankuro commented, "Won't she tell Gaara? He is going to be pissed when he finds out."

Temari put her hand on his brother's shoulder. "Don't worry about them. They have to figure out what they feel for each other, it's not our place." Kankuro wanted to argue, but she stopped him, "Remember, any marriage has to go through his approval. He is not going to approve of it. They need this push. Let them have it."

And Temari was right. Every marriage, especially between shinobis had to go first through the Kazekage for approval. So, one Monday, when Gaara was clearing his paperwork, he almost signed all the marriage approvals without reviewing them, but Kankuro still felt that his help was needed, so he specifically pushed yours in front of him, "What is this?" Gaara asked curiously as he saw your family's name on it.

"No idea. Better check it out." Commented Kankuro. "Maybe, it has something to do with Y/N. What does it say?" Gaara didn't even hear him, he only caught a sight of the permission shredded into pieces. "Gaara?" He looked as if he was the Jinchuriki again, full of rage. "Gaara, hold on. Temari!"

Temari came running to the office. "What is this, Temari?" He was losing it; it was like he couldn't control himself. Temari looked at Kankuro, "Temari! I'm asking you a question!"

"Do not yell at me!" She yelled back, Gaara collected himself, scared of his older sister. "Y/N's father wants her to marry a Shinobi, whose father is doing business with him. Apparently, it's to consolidate their deal."

Gaara was scared of his next question, "And Y/N wants to?"

Kankuro and Temari exchanged looks, "No, she doesn't. The guy had been pretending her for a while, but she always rejected him. So, the father intervened and now she is part of the deal. She is planning on going rogue if this gets approved." Temari took the pieces in her hand, "Well, the next permission at least. Since you destroyed this one."

"And I will destroy the next one if needed." Gaara stated, crossing his arms while sitting on his chair. "No one will have to marry someone they don't want. I won't allow it. Especially Y/N." The siblings smirked at each other, "Temari, could you get Y/N? I need to talk to her."

That same night and off the record, you were called to the Kazekage's office. When you arrived, the three siblings were waiting for you. "Did you request me, Lord Kazekage?"

"This is not an official meeting, Y/N. It's just four friends talking and having a good time." Kankuro tried to lighten the mood, but Gaara's intense look didn't allow you to see it that way, "Fine, make it weird for all I care." He extended the request to you. "We got this paper in the morning." It was your marriage request, completely shredded into pieces. You didn't know your father had already sent it.

"I didn't expect it to happen so soon. I guess there is not much to do now." You said, completely sure that Gaara would of course accept it, until you saw how it was. "Why is it broken? What happened?"

Gaara sighed, "I shredded it." He admitted to you, "Could you leave us alone, please?" He asked his siblings, and they left you alone in the office. "Why didn't you tell me this was happening, Y/N? I am your friend, aren't I? My siblings knew."

You were nervous, "I only told Temari, and Kankuro got in the middle of the conversation." What a lame excuse, "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to be upset, or worry, you have plenty to focus on. Besides, there is not much we can do."

"There is much I can do. I can simply reject it. I can send him to missions, so he won't be able to marry. I could imprison him. There is plenty I can do."

You laughed at his comment, "Gaara, you can't do those things. That is abuse of power. Besides, what would be the reason to reject this marriage?" Something in the air switched, like there was now a tension between you too.

Gaara walked closer to you, "We could, I mean, I could; we could tell everyone that you are bethrow to me." Your eyes widened, "No one would question it. I'm the Kazekage after all." You were shocked, "Think about it. If we get married, no one, ever, will bother you again. You will be protected and safe with us, with me."

What was it? Was Gaara for real? Did he want to marry you? "Would you do that? Do you want to marry me? Why?" Your heart was racing, it was so exciting. Did Gaara feel the same way as you?

He closed the space between you, "Look, Y/N. I don't think I will be a good husband, and I'm not really sure I fully understand what love is. The only thing I'm sure is that whatever it is, it's what I feel for you." You couldn't believe it.

"I- well, I am in love with you. I've been for a while." You confessed to him.

He reached to caress your cheek, "Then, let me solve this. Marry me." You smiled and nodded at him. He took the courage to close the last inches between you and kissed you for the first time. "Just so you know. I am still considering getting him imprisoned, but we'll see."

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