Chapter 35

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"Its been a long time Serena" He whispered, I took a few steps back and he evilly smirked at me. He came forward and grabbed me then he began pulling me forward.

"Let me go!" I shouted as tears filled my eyes, he pushes me down on the bed and was about to take my clothes off when he was ripped apart from me. I look up at a fuming Jace with teary eyes and he pulled me closer to him.

"Kakogo khrena Dzheys, my zaklyuchili sdelku" he shouted in a different language which I didn't understand.
(What the fuck Jace we had a deal)

"Let's forget about that deal I can't let you have your way with her... I mean....." He said and my eyes widen.
He was gonna let's his boss have sex with me.

"You mean what, what what what!" He shouted and I jumped.

"She's pregnant!" Jace shouted.

"Who gives a fuck I don't actually, is the kid even yours?" He asked and Jace got angry and pushed Augustine. I walked over to Alena and she hugged me I sighed.

"Are you really gonna fight me over some slut?" he said and tears came to my eyes Jace look up at me and walked over to my side.
Stupid hormones

"It's ok I won't let him hurt you" he whispered and I nodded.

"Fuck this I'm leaving," he said and I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding, I watched Augustine as he walked out, he stopped and tried to look at me

"I'll be back" he mouthed and I felt my heart jumped. What wrong with him so creepy.

"You ok" Jace mumbled and I nodded.


A few months had passed and Nikolai still had no idea where I was. This made me restless and tired, I just wanted to be home with Nikolai, Adriana, Isabella and the others. Ever since I found that I was pregnant everything as been going great. Jace hasn't laid a finger on me, he said that he didn't want to hurt the baby. He made sure that he took good care of me and the baby and even though he acted so nice, I still get disgusted and hated being around him.

I'm really glad that Alena is here to accompany me. She has always been there for me, she made sure that I was okay but overall it was fun having her around. If not then I would go crazy. Whenever Jace leaves, this gives me a chance to call Nikolai. I felt really bad for not telling him that I as pregnant, but I was really scared.

"Okay, he's gone" Alena said, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm..." I hummed as I tried to stay focus and she rolled her eyes.

"Serena please stay Foucault this is important, I'm going to escape, see if I can identify anything our surrounding, so I can report back to Nikolai, maybe he'll have an idea where we are" Alena said again and Serena nodded.

"Fine you told me like a hundred times, and I still think this is a bad idea. What if you get caught he'll hurt you, or probably kill you. I don't want you to leave me here" I told her and she looked at me then smiled.

"Don't worry Serena, I promise I won't get caught okay, I just wanna see outside so we can get a idea what it looks like" Alena assured me but I still didn't want her to go.

"Fine" I mumbled then stood up, I followed her over to one of the windows, I watched her as she removed the board that was covering the window. She placed it to the side then slowly opened the window.

"I'll be back okay" she said as she jumped through it. "Close the window and put the board back, I'll knock 3 times to let you know I'm there" she said and I nodded then looked at her worriedly but did just as she said. I walked back over to the bed then sat down as thoughts started going through my head.

What if she gets caught?

When jace gets back and doesn't see Alena, how will I explain

What if she doesn't come back?

Or maybe they'll kill her

"I wish I could talk to Nikolai but Alena took the phone so she could give him the details, I guess it's just you and me baby" I whispered to myself while making circles on my bump.

A few hours has passed and still there was no sign of Alena. I was so worried that something might have happened to her. I paced around the room while biting down on my fingernails. I heard the door slammed open and Alena was pushed through, she fell face front on the floor and I quickly ran over to her. "Look who I found lost in the woods" Jace said then laughed sinisterly. My heart almost felt like it stopped, how could he do this to her.

"Oh no" I whispered as tears filled my eyes. I thought she was dead but then I heard her groaned, I sighed in relief then help her sit up.

"Why the fuck was she out there, were you in on this Serena" Jace asked as he dangerously approached me, I was about to say something when Alena touched me on the arm. She was beaten badly and I hated seeing her in pain.

"N- no she... she had nothing to do with this, she told me not to go but I didn't listen, I just wanted to go back home" Alena tried to explain and just looked at me then her.

"So your telling me that you were going to leave you friend behind" Jace said then laughed in our faces.

"I was going to come back and save her from you!" Alena shouted.

"Serena doesn't want to be saved, she loves and me and we'll have a baby soon. What! You think you could survive out there in those damn woods, we are far far far far away baby girl, no one can find you not even god. There are a whole lot of guards watching you and you thought you could escape, sike" he said then laughed even more. "Serena I'll be back, I'm going to get you something to eat" Jace said then left.

"Oh my god Alena, I told you not to go he could've killed you" I said as I got up then went into the bathroom to get a wet cloth. Leaving the bathroom I quickly walked over to her then got her wounds cleaned.

"Serena I'm fine, I can do it" she said then slowly got up, I knew she was only saying this to not make me worry so much.

"What happened out there?" I asked as she sat down on the bed.

"When I was outside there were lots of trees and bushes, no house, no nothing, I told myself that if I walked further I might find something but the more I walked the more trees I saw which was scary." She said then took my hands in hers "Serena I don't think we are ever going to leave this place, Nikolai won't find us, I couldn't find a single fucking clue" she said in frustration and I started crying.

"Then all of a sudden Jace appeared behind me, I dropped everything then started running. I'm sorry but we can no longer talk to Nikolai, the phone is somewhere out there in the woods" she said and I just lost all hope. I'm going to stay here for the rest of my life.


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