Chapter 1

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"See I told ya, turkeys are out during this time of year." Tanaka said as he took a huge bite of turkey leg. Nishinoya laughed then followed. They had caught and cooked a wild turkey. "Nah we were just lucky." He said with food in his mouth. The two lived on the outskirts of the kingdoms. They've been to each Kingdom of the world! They been best friends since they could crawl and have been inseparable since. "Mmmh! Bro you make the best turkey though." Tanaka commented as he licked his fingers. Nishinoya snickered then looked scoffed. "Of course," He sarcastically remarked, "but I do need more supplies. I might stop by somewhere and get some." Nishinoya uttered. Tanaka looked at him with confusion. "Great, where and with what money?" He remarked. Nishinoya looked at him and laughed. "Probably Karasuno, and who says I need money?" He replied.

"You gotta stop stealing from that Kingdom. Aren't you're already wanted there? Plus, they've been going down hill anyways." Tanaka informed him. Nishinoya hummed, as he was listening he was setting up his tent for the night. "Nah I won't. Plus they're going down anyways, they won't care if a salt shaking goes missing." Nishinoya said then laughed followed. "Whatever, whatever." Tanaka said, still chucking from what his friend stated. "I'm going to head to bed now. I plan on leaving tomorrow morning. You're coming right?" Nishinoya asked his friend. Tanaka gently shook head no. "I plan on getting a job in Shiratorizawa. They got the highest money rate! One dollar is like 20 bucks in Karasuno." Tanaka stated. Nishinoya laughed then shook his head. "How long you staying there?" Nishinoya asked, realizing getting a job in Shiratorizawa must take a long time. "Hahaha, a year or two. But don't worry you can always come visit." Tanaka said, scratching the back of his head.

"Sounds like you're settling down. Why don't you come to Karasuno first?" Nishinoya asked him. Tanaka scoffed then crossed his arms. "What's your obsession with Karasuno huh? I only go there when they have their mating gathering." Tanaka stated, Nishinoya blew a raspberry at his friend then started all his things together. He laid in his tent. Since Tanaka is settling down, maybe Nishinoya should too. Nah, of course not.

The next morning, Nishinoya and Tanaka said goodbye to each other. They walked their separate ways. The journey to Karasuno wasn't that long. It did leave his feet aching though. As soon as he walked in the Kingdom's gates eyes fell on him and gasps filled the air. Only 2% of Karasuno's population had dominant omegas, most people haven't even see one. Nishinoya snickered to himself, he kept walking until he got to a run downed motel. He entered the building with a bright smile. The workers were so busy staring at his beauty to even check him a room. Nishinoya picked a room of his own and took the keys. "Easy as pie." He said, jumping on the bed. He took himself a shower then sighed in relief. "Time to start some mischief." He said with a devious smirk.

To Be Continued...

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