Chapter 21

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The next morning Nishinoya woke up alone in a different room. There was a note left, it had way too many words for Nishinoya to even begin attempting to read. He left the room and looked down the hallways. "Fuck, where am I?" Nishinoya said, deciding to go to the left. "Noya? What are you doing here?" He heard Tanaka's voice. He turned around and saw the beta with a big smile on his face. "I woke up in this random ro- Is that a lipstick mark on your cheek?" Nishinoya said, pointing the mark on Tanaka's face. The beta grinned and nodded. "Yep, you know the ladies love me Noya, but shouldn't you be in bed or something?" Tanaka asked, he looked at Nishinoya's state. Seeing that the male looked as if he was going to pass out in any moment. "I was sleep, but then I woke up in this room with some note and it got way too many words on it." Nishinoya sighed but shook his head. 

"Let me see if I can read it." Tanaka said, going into the room Nishinoya just exited. Tanaka picked up the note and began trying to decode this seemingly simple letter. Tanaka couldn't even read the first letter. Sudden the door opened and Tanaka's jaw dropped. "So sorry to pop in like this, I thought Nishinoya would still be sleeping- oh haha. The note says this is your new room. It's closer mine and I thought you'd like it. After your done checking it out, you have to speak to some people." Asahi told him. Nishinoya bit his lip then put the middle finger up. For some reason Nishinoya felt as if Asahi was mocking his illiteracy. Azumane didn't take it to heart and left. Tanaka looked at Nishinoya then shook his head. "What the shitface was fucking mocking us, just cause he can fucking write a letter, man he can kiss my ass." Nishinoya said after a scoff.

"Nishinoya, all he did was read what he wrote, who knows we could even learn it while we're here for rest of your pregnancy." Tanaka said, jokingly. Except, Nishinoya wasn't laughing or even smiling. He looked at Tanaka then pouted. "Get out. Ugh, just leave." Nishinoya said, pushing the beta towards the door. Tanaka was pushed out the room and looked at the door in confusion. Nishinoya wasn't acting this way in Shiratorizawa. Maybe you could blame it on mood swings but it's weird that Nishinoya only started having them in Karasuno. Nishinoya stared at the closed door with his eyes closed, he had no idea why everyone was making him so upset. He looked around the room, it was truly beautiful, dare he say one of the top 5 rooms he's ever been in. The omega looked at the bathroom, it was huge. Two mirrors, two sinks. A humongous tub and a separate shower. It was almost designed just for him, with pheromone resists tiles and omega products everywhere. He looked at the nice walk-in closet, filled with clothes. On the walk-in closet door was a note. He picked it up and scoffed. He sat there on the floor trying to decipher  the note. "Cl-... cl-o clo..." He stuttered recognizing the first three letters. 

He spent about 50 minutes on the floor until Asahi opened his door again. "Noya? Why are you on the floor?" The king asked walking over to the omega. The omega looked up at him in tears and snot falling out his nose. Asahi smelt a rush of stressed omega pheromones and quickly picked Nishinoya up. "What happened? Are you okay?" He placed the omega on the bed and placed his hand on Nishinoya's stomach. "I- I c-can't do it... I- I'm dumb." Nishinoya cried. Azumane let go off a stressed sigh before taking the paper from Nishinoya's hand. "It says the clothes are all yours." Azumane told him. Nishinoya began to cry harder. "It wasn't even that hard! I hate being dumb! It's not fair!" He cried out. The king hugged him. "Hey calm down. It's okay, I don't know why no one's ever taught you but I can hire a personal teacher just for you, if you'd like." Asahi said, with a calming smell and smile. 

"R-really? What's the catch?" Nishinoya said, not believing Asahi's kindness to him. From everything's that happened with the pregnancy and the lies, Asahi gave him a new room and is helping him with reading. "No more crying like this." Azumane said, firmly. Nishinoya's cheeks began to turn red, as him and the king interlocked eyes. Until, Nishinoya's stomach growled. "Oh right, come, your breakfast is probably cold." 

To Be Continued...

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