Chapter 3

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As Nishinoya was silently freaking about his imprisonment, another police officer began guarding his cell. His eyes widened seeing that the officer in front of him was a dominant omega as well. He read the name tag then sighed. "Hey, Officer Hinata? You're pretty rare aren't ya?" He asked the officer. The omega turned around then looked at him with a pout. "What's that suppose to mean?" Hinata asked him. Nishinoya laughed at how young the officer was. This was gonna be easy as pie. "I mean finding another dominant omega in Karasuno is uncommon, finding an dominant omega in Karasuno working in the police force is rare and badass." Nishinoya said with a smirk. Hinata smiled then laughed. "Thank you." Hinata told him. Nishinoya sighed, causing the red-head male to wonder. "Officer Tsukishima didn't tell me, what are you in for?" Hinata asked him.

"Well~ I tried to grab a few things without paying. You know, where I'm from dominant omegas don't even walk around the kingdom. So I was quite used to paying haha." Nishinoya fibbed. The truth was, he wasn't even from a kingdom. He was born on the outskirts and stayed on the outskirts. If he did stay in a kingdom it wasn't for more than a couple of weeks. "Oh. That explains it. Karasuno is different, King Azumane tries to make it so that everyone is equal, but of course people can't help it when they see a dominant." Hinata told him. Nishinoya laughed in agreement. "What does the other King do, seems like Azumane controls everything?" Nishinoya asked, Hinata quickly shook his head. "King Sawamura controls all of the kingdom's outside interactions while King Azumane controls all everything in the kingdom." Hinata informed him. Nishinoya hummed.

This guard was so gullible. It almost felt too bad to do. So he didn't. With the story he came up with, he was sure he could get off with just a warning. Hinata and Nishinoya talked about the kingdom more. As they were talking, Hinata got more and more infatuated with Nishinoya. His stories, attitude and the way he thought was so cool. "So you've really been in the Tokyo prefecture?" He asked in awe before Officer Tsukishima came back in and cleared his throat. Hinata stood at attention then smiled. "Good job, Hinata. We got some good information out of him." Tsukishima said. Nishinoya knew it, he was glad he was able to make that story sound believable. Now, he'll be out of jail in no time. "The King will have his word with you tomorrow at 10 pm. We'll transport you to the castle jail." Tsukishima told him. Hinata left the building and Nishinoya pouted. This isn't how he wanted to spend his first night in Karasuno. He just wanted to get laid.

He got back in the police car. This time, he was really going to the castle. Nishinoya was a little worried but not that much. By the way Hinata described the Inner King of Karasuno, he was sure this wasn't going to be bad. The ride was short, Officer Tsukishima roughly got him out the car and into the castle cell. He saw 3 other people in the cell as he was threw in there. "Wow. He's really more beautiful than they described." One of the guys said. He had blonde hair and was only a bit taller than Noya. Before the officer left, he took Nishinoya's cuffs off and left him some clothes.

"You're... right. Seeing a dominant omega in person and in jail. I must be high." Another guy said with black hair, the comment made the other two giggle. Nishinoya scoffed then scrapped the dirt off him. "Where I come from, throwing a dominant omega gets you 5 years. 7 if they're hurt." He huffed. "Where exactly are you from?" The brunette one asked him. Nishinoya looked at him with confusion and judgement. "I'm not sure if it concerns the likes of you." He said acting as if he were a snob. He pushed the boys out of the way of the cell bathroom then slammed the door. It was disgusting. It looked like someone bathed in mud and put it everywhere. He quickly got himself dressed, when he got out the boys were snickering at him.

"We don't use that one. Here, climb through here." The boy with a shaved head told him. The four of them crawled into a much better prison room. It was actually cleaned and the beds looked comfortable. "Better than the other room." Nishinoya said, getting onto a bed and claiming it. The three boys got comfortable on the other bed together. "So are you guys waiting to see the king too?" Nishinoya asked them. They all shook their heads in unison. "Nah, this is our punishment. We get let out in a month." The boy with the black hair said. "Name's noya. Y'all?" Nishinoya finally asked. "Ennoshita." The black haired one stated. "Kinoshita." The blonde was followed. "Narita." The one with the shaved head said last. "Mmh. What y'all in for?" Nishinoya asked him. Nartia blushed and covered his face. Ennoshita shook his head with a chuckled then Kinoshita puffed his chest out. "We got caught fucking in public again." Kinoshita said with a proud look on his face. Nishinoya realized he had found his people.

"Oh y'all dope as fuck!" He scoffed with a smile. Narita put his head on Ennoshita's chest in embarrassment. "Not another one." Narita groaned as Ennoshita laughed and rubbed his back. "I was trying to get some stuff so I can get laid, if I'm being honest. I didn't expect any of this though." Noya told them. Ennoshita hummed. "Some people are mated so they couldn't give two shits if you were a dominant omega." Ennoshita told him. Nishinoya sighed then shook his head. Kinoshita nodded his head in agreement. "But, the Inner King hasn't seen a dominant omega though." Kinoshita told them. Nishinoya laughed then scoffed. "Should've told me that earlier. Is he mated?" Nishinoya asked. Ennoshita shook his head then Nishinoya sighed in relief. "I'll be out of jail in no time then." Nishinoya told them. All of a sudden Narita snored loudly. Kinoshita snickered quietly, looking at his boyfriend falling asleep. 

"Alright, welp we're heading to bed. We'll wake you up when we need to go to the other cell. Night." Ennoshita said, placing Narita on the bed softly. Nishinoya nodded then laid down. He stared at the ceiling and hummed. He thought about his buddy, Tanaka. Seeing as he was in jail, maybe he should settle down too.

To Be Continued...

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