Chapter 23

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After the check-up, Nishinoya was exhausted. Asahi could tell by the omega's mannerisms. "Noya, my parents would like a word with you, afterwards I'll let you take a nap." Asahi said. The worn out Nishinoya just nodded and yawned as he followed Asahi's footsteps. They walked into a room, Asahi held the door open and Nishinoya walked through. He was completely tired until he felt the era of the room. He stood up straight then instantly got nervous. 

"Nishinoya, Asahi we wanted to discuss Nishinoya's place in the palace." Ukai told them as they both sat down across from them. Nishinoya looked down then pouted. "I know. I'm barely a guest, I'm not his omega nor are you going to let us get married or anything like that. To you folk I'm a commoner. Nothing but a low life growing a royal seed." Nishinoya said, his eyes tearing up. Asahi held his hand and was about to comfort him until Ukai cleared his throat. "Glad you know, you're only allowed weekly visits to the nurse, meals, and the room provided to you. You are not entitled for anything else. That means you can't spoil him as you wish Asahi." Ukai informed him. "No. That's unfair to Nishinoya. It's my child he's carrying if, I want him to be spoiled than he will be. I want him to be as comfortable as he can to deliver my pup." Asahi said, sticking up for the omega. Nishinoya kept quiet. 

"Asahi, last time I checked, he's going to be leaving the child with you by yourself." Takeda stated, looking at him confused. Asahi shook his head. "That's fine, I still want to spoil him. Nishinoya does not deserve harsh treatment." Asahi said, standing up. Nishinoya rushed out the room, tears running down his cheek. No one seemed to notice the poor omega crying. Asahi sighed then rushed after him. Nishinoya didn't know where the nearest bathroom was and just crouched in a corner. He threw up his loving breakfast as he cried and sobbed. "Gosh, Noya. I'm sorry." Asahi stated, he picked up Nishinoya after he was done then released a nice smell. He walked towards NIshinoya's room with the omega in his arms bridal style. He walked passed one of the castle janitors and told them of the mess. 

Once they got to Nishinoya's room, Asahi placed him in bed and sighed. "I didn't know they were about to say that. The whole rapist accusation blew over, it must be because people now think you are my partner and they don't want that to happen." Asahi told him. Nishinoya began sobbing again. "I-i'm sorry. I can't believe I caused a-all this," Nishinoya cried, "I just wanted you to court m-me." He kept stuttering. Asahi calmed him down again then shook his head. "I understand, it's okay Nishinoya. Just relax and go to sleep." Asahi said, rubbing Nishinoya's back. Nishinoya shook his head then got on Asahi's lap. He looked into Asahi's eyes with his watering own. "Please take me back, at least for these 9 month." Nishinoya said, getting closer and closer to Asahi's face. 

"Of course, just no silly business. We can start from where we left off." 

To Be Continued...

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