Chapter 22

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The counseling room had changed too little since Peter last was here.
The walls were still blue, although bare now apart from cliche posters that were printed in black and white… it made Peter frown, wondering where the drawings by the kids that he put up had gone. Sofas that faced each other were still the same, a large smudge of a pen exploding on Peter still there on the seat, and the tables and shelves remained, although they lacked the small plants to add color into the room that Peter once brought.

Mrs Pabby wasn’t anywhere in the room, thank goodness, Peter wasn’t sure he could handle the stink eye she would be giving him now.

A knock at the door made Peter look away from the familiar window towards the entrance where a familiar set of wild curls caught his attention.

“Oh…” he blinked in the same surprise the little girl carried before giving a welcoming smile “Hello” he greeted

“Where’s the witch?” she whispered with wide suspicious eyes, as if the woman she spoke of was hidden somewhere in the room.

“Mrs Pabby is busy at the moment” Peter lied, not bothering to correct her “I’m Peter” he introduced himself

“I’m Ellie” she said, squinting up at Peter with suspicion

“Nice to meet you, Ellie” Peter smiled, gesturing towards the sofa facing him “Why don't you take a seat? I’d like to talk with you” he sat on the other sofa

“I don’t want to talk” Ellie frowned, scowling as she jumped on the sofa and crossed her arms, dropping her broken bag on the floor

“Why not?” Peter asked

“Because you're gonna stick your nose where it isn’t your business” she pouted, words coming out in a mumble as her eyes adverted towards the side and she shrank, most likely expecting Peter to tell her off for her rude way of speaking.

“If you dont want to talk about something you aren’t forced to do so, Ellie” Peter said patiently, watching her eyes turn back to him “I’d just like to help”

“I don't need help” she insisted and Peter paused, knowing those words far too well.

He took another look at Ellie; she had tan skin that was too pale, her dark curly hair was wild and untamed, shirt wrinkled. Despite her state her large amber like eyes stared him down, a fire set deep inside her gaze as if challenging Peter.
She knew teacher’s gave up fast on her and she expected Peter to follow.

“Alright” Peter nodded “Do you want to get anything off your chest then?” he asked “I don't work here so if you don't want to, i wont tell anyone”

“Why should I believe you” she stuck her nose up adorably with a huff

“I don't like Mrs Pabby” Peter shrugged “wouldn’t really tell her anything even if you asked” he lied “she’s a snob”

“Yeah” Ellie nodded “I dont like her either”

“Why not?” Peter asked

“Because!” Ellie groaned “She always tells me off and gives me detention for hitting a bully” she began listing off her fingers “She said I’m nothing but trouble and she always wants to know about my life”

Peter frowned as Ellie crossed her arms again, scowling at the floor as she continued to mutter other things. He allowed her to speak, glad that he got to make the other talk by herself as planned

“Once I told her about something and she blamed it all on me” her eyes began to get teary with frustration “I promised I’d never talk to her again”

“What was it that she blamed on you” Peter asked sadly, not wanting her to cry

“You’ll laugh” Ellie turned away sadly

“I wont, promise” he said gently

Slowly, Ellie turned her attention back to Peter, head turning after with her shiny eyes that seemed to fill with more tears at the memory

“The kids were calling me smelly” she whispered “and Mrs Pabby said its my fault for not washing myself” she looked down in shame, hands pulling on her smudged pants.

Peter felt his heart break, wanting nothing more but to drag that woman by her ponytail and make her apologize for blaming this poor kid.

“T-the laundry is always full and we have to share showers” Ellie began to explain to Peter as if he, too, would blame her “So I have to wait for my turn and I dont really have a change of clothes apart from my pijamas and I cant wear my pijamas to school” she wiped her eyes with her small fists, voice wavering “I tried coming in pijamas but was sent back to the orphanage-“

Then she gasped, covering her mouth as if she hadn’t meant to say what she did. Her being an orphan was supposed to be a secret, it seemed… but Peter had already known from Debra.

“I used to be an orphan too” Peter gave her an understanding smile “I know” he whispered with heavy sadness behind it. He knew how hard it was…

Her little hands slowly dropped from her mouth that widened to ask the next words

“Your mommy died too?”

Peter felt static, memories he erased and conjured in his mind as he took a deep breath

“Yeah” he smiled

“Oh…” Ellie looked down at her lap, pausing in thought “I shouldn’t be there” she said “I have a daddy”

“You do?” Peter asked curiously, wondering if her father had lost custody of her or was unable to care for her or…put her there himself.

“Yeah” she nodded “he was taken away though” she explained “they took him to the hospital” she whispered as she leaned closer, hands cupped around her mouth to tell Peter the secret.

“I’m sorry” Peter felt his chest clench, unsure if her father was still hurt or… had passed and she had no idea

“It’s ok” she smiled at last, toothgap present “I’m making sure no one adopts me so then he can come for me” she said proudly, her trouble making explained for now “He is coming for me” she repeated, more to reassure herself.

“I hope he does come” Peter didnt have the courage to say anything against her belief but didnt want to give her false hope either.

“Yeah!” Ellie nodded brightly, hair bouncing freely.

The rest of their talk surrounded Ellie talking about her father and other things relating school or the orphanage.
She truly loved her dad, eyes blighting as she talked about him, he was her hero. On the other hand, she didnt seemed that thrilled over her mother, Peter didnt know if it was because she was too young to remember though.

On his way home, Peter asked her full name and the orphanage she was staying at, searching the contact number to give them a call and ask about her clothing size so he could give it to her as a gift.
No later was he at the door with at least, one-piece dress, two new pants, two shirts and a set of kids underwear for her.

All he could do was hope Eleanor Camacho’s father was alright and would take her back soon…if not, Peter at least hoped someone would see the Ellie as the clever girl he sees and adopts her.

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