Chapter 1

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I'm going to be the only one in A.P. Calc, Roshi said. What do you expect when you're taking it junior year, Peyton responded. That doesn't matter, there could be seniors in the class, Belle said.

Peyton, embarrassed by her mistake, quickly changed the subject. Did you hear about that new kid, she asked. What new kid, Belle asked. I think he's Indian, Peyton said. The word "Indian" peaked Roshi's curiosity. She looked up from her English book. Really, she said. Now there's 2 of you, Peyton joked. I'll believe it when I see it, Roshi said smiling as she returned to her book. Living in Salt Lake City, Utah, Roshi was used to being the only Brown in a sea of White.

Suddenly, the cafeteria experienced a shift of energy as Peyton and Belle noticed many people look toward the entrance. A group of 5 walked in together, lead by Mitch Rivers, the Student Body President. And in the middle, an Indian boy. He was effortlessly confident as multiple people greeted him as he walked by.

Wow, he's already Mister Popular after a day, I give it the end of the week before Kaya's snatched him up, Peyton said. Amongst this group of 5 was one lone girl. Kaya Rivers; aka Mitch's younger sister. She was extraordinarily beautiful. Statuesque, lean, but curvaceous in the places that most guys cared about.

If you looked up the definition of super model, her picture would come up. It was no surprise her nickname at school was "The Angel", AKA Victoria Secret angel. But the problem with being that beautiful is every other girl by default can not help but be envious. Hence this kind-faced girl sitting with a group of boys, Mitch's friends, as they were the only ones who would befriend her.

Although anyone could tell most of them wanted to date her. But would never dare try anything in front of Mitch. Kaya was sitting next to the Indian boy at the table and it was clear by her continual glances she was interested in him. Her smile became hopeful seeing how well her protective, but loving, older brother seemed to like this new boy's company.

Roshi noticing a lull in the conversation looked up from her English book to see Belle and Peyton still observing the group at their table. Roshi turned around to take a look herself. The Indian boy was definitely good-looking, she'd give him that, but ultimately found her book more interesting so she went back to that.

The clock showed a couple minutes to 1pm, but the classroom was still nearly entirely empty. Except for one lone student. Roshi. Mr. Cook then walked in. I guess it's just you and me again Mr. Cook, Roshi said. Why does no one else at this school appreciate Calculus the way you do, Mr. Cook asked. I'm smarter than most people, Roshi said smiling.

Mr. Cook laughed as the bell rang and he started writing on the board, flipping through the textbook. Where were we, he asked. Before Roshi could answer, the Indian boy ran through the door. Sorry, sorry, I got lost, he said. I think you still might be lost, this is A.P. Calc, Mr. Cook said. Great, the boy said. You're in this class, Mr. Cook asked. Yeah, I just switched my schedule so I could get in it, he said as he handed Mr. Cook a note from the admissions office.

Okay, well then, take a seat, Mr. Cook said. Dev then only noticed Roshi. As popular people made Roshi nervous, no one should be that confident when you still have the "word" teen in your age, she looked down at her textbook not making eye contact. This seat is good, she heard him say. She saw he took the seat directly next to hers. I'm Dev, he said as he reached his hand out to her. She quickly glanced over at him and responded with, Roshi, then looked back at her book.

At the end of class, Roshi packed up her books determined to leave the room quickly. Being in the presence of this newly cemented pop god was making her all kinds of anxious. She managed to go the entire 45 minute class unscathed, without an awkward chair noise or gross sneeze, so as long as she didn't trip on the way out of here, she was good. Hey, I was thinking, she heard Dev say as he put away his own books.

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