Chapter 5

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We should have a sleepover this weekend, it's been a while, Peyton said as she ate her cafeteria pizza. Oh yeah that'd be fun, Belle said as she took a bite. Roshi, you in, Peyton asked. Roshi was somewhat lost in thought as she was picking at her food, but not really eating it. Maybe, Roshi returned. Peyton noticed the non-eating. You don't like it, she asked. Nah, it's gross, Roshi said. You've gotten really picky these days, Peyton said. Yeah, Belle said piling on. Roshi needed to take the attention off of her. 

Did you see what Kaya was wearing today, Roshi asked knowing Peyton couldn't resist gossiping about Kaya. OMG yes, Peyton said laughing. Roshi and Peyton looked behind them to see Kaya at Mitch's table wearing a short skirt that went slightly above her knee. Yeah, it's February, Peyton said laughing. They looked back at Belle who never engaged in the dress commentary. It's not even that short, and she has tights on underneath, Belle said. Still, it's 30 degrees outside, Peyton said as she and Roshi chuckled. 

That afternoon at Dev's house they went to Dev's kitchen first before heading to the dining room. You have to try these, Dev said. He opened a box of cookies on the counter. This is my new favorite bakery, he stated. Roshi rolled her eyes. Of course he eats junk food and still looks the way he does.

What was that eye roll, he asked. Roshi quickly thought on her feet. You've just been in Salt Lake for a couple months, is it really your favorite bakery, or just the only bakery you've been to, she asked. Dev laughed. Clever, he said. He took a chocolate chip cookie, Roshi's favorite, and brought it to her.

She hesitated. I'm trying to eat healthier, she ultimately said. Dev laughed. Please, you weigh like 10 pounds, he said. He handed her the cookie and she reluctantly took it. He waited to see her reaction. She took a small bite. It really was good. She nodded showing she liked it.

Later on, in one of the guest bathrooms on the 2nd floor, vomiting could be heard coming from the inside. A toilet then flushed. After a couple minutes Roshi exited with red eyes. She made her way back to the dining room and Dev noticed the bloodshot eyes. Are you okay, he asked concerned. Yeah, why, she asked oblivious. Your eyes are red, he said. Oh, yeah, I saw that too, I don't know what that is, she said as she took her seat across from him. Do you want eye drops, he asked. Nah, it's fine, she said.

After studying Dev wanted to go to his room but Roshi said the sofa would be better. They were making out when Roshi heard a noise. She pulled away. Is that the garage, she asked. My parents are at work, he said. They went back to kissing.

After a minute the basement door leading from the garage opened. They both jumped off the sofa to compose themselves. Mrs. Patel walked in and saw them. Hello, she said. Mom what are you doing here, Dev asked. I had a lot of paperwork to get through, I thought I'd do it here, she said. What are you guys doing, Mrs. Patel asked.

Studying, Dev said quickly. Mrs. Patel didn't look like she believed them. You must be Roshi, she said. Roshi nodded as she approached. So you're the one Dev talks about all the time, Mrs. Patel said. Mom, Dev said annoyed. Roshi smirked. We should probably get to know each other better, don't you think, Mrs. Patel said. I guess, Roshi said unsure.

Give me your number beti I'll invite your family for dinner on Friday, Mrs. Patel. Despite the warm greeting of calling Roshi "daughter", she immediately became nervous. Uh, Roshi said as she looked at Dev for help. Mom, we don't even know them, Dev said. Exactly, don't you think we should, Mrs. Patel asked. Neither Dev nor Roshi had an answer for that.

Seeing no way out, Roshi gave Mrs. Patel her family's landline number. That night Roshi's mom, Mrs. Kumaran, got the call inviting them for dinner at the Patel's house. Mrs. Kumaran knew Roshi was studying at Dev's house, so that wasn't a surprise, but Roshi was worried what Mrs. Patel was going to say to her parents.

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