Chapter 15

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Roshi and Dev were the only people who were getting dropped off by their parents. Since everyone who attends the Prom is a Junior or Senior they could all drive themselves at that point. Or at the very least go with a group with friends and at least one of them would have a car.

The two quickly got out of the car and walked into the Capitol Building. Once they got into the building they let out a sigh of relief. Oh my god, she said. That was the worst, he said. She grabbed his right arm, gently as it had been in a cast for weeks, as she held onto his hand. This night will be the best, she said as she kissed his face. Yeah, he returned. Can we leave, she asked. He laughed. Come on, he said as he pulled her hand into the ballroom.

They took the obligatory photos at the entrance. This time much more relaxed and classic Prom pose. They danced with their friends. Peyton ended up coming with the Senior Prez and Belle came with her studious buddy, just as friends. They were slow dancing with Roshi's hands on Dev's neck and Dev's hands on her low back.

What are you thinking about, she asked. It's nice having two hands, he said. I didn't know you lost one hand, she said. I didn't lose it, but I couldn't do this before, he said as he brushed his fingers on her spine. Good segway, she said. She leaned in and whispered to him. Let's go, she said.

Without a car they had to get creative to get to the hotel. The capitol building was far from downtown so walking to the hotel wasn't an option. They knew if they Ubered their parents would find out. So Belle offered to help. She would order the Uber for them and once they were done she said she'd order one for them to get back to the dance.

Only Belle knew about the plan. Roshi didn't even tell Peyton. Not because she didn't trust her, just because she knew she'd get overly excited and possibly tell someone. Roshi was most likely going to tell her after the fact. Dev felt his friends could be trusted but Roshi was nervous for anyone else to know so he agreed not to say anything.

Roshi left the dance first pretending to use the restroom. Dev went outside to get fresh air and then walked down the road. Roshi met him at the agreed upon spot. She texted Belle the code phrase, Can't believe they're playing Justin Bieber again. 

Roshi was probably being overly paranoid, but ever since her parents found out about her and Dev she had a sneaky suspicion they were monitoring her phone. So was overly careful about the texts she sent these days.

Belle responded with the code phrase, probably for another 6 minutes. It'll be 6 minutes, she told Dev. He nodded. They stood, waiting. The car came and they got into the back seat. Roshi felt very nervous. As if she was committing a crime.

The driver luckily didn't engage in any small talk. Although Roshi could've sworn she saw him smirk at the two of them when they got into the car and confirmed the destination.

They got out of the car and walked into the Grand America. The nicest hotel in Salt Lake. The only 5 Star hotel in Salt Lake. Roshi said there was no point in spending money for this but Dev said you only get one first time.

Luckily the hotel was crowded so it didn't feel as if all eyes were on them. Roshi hung out near the elevators while Dev was getting the room keys. After they got in the elevator Dev exclaimed. There's a Lakers game tomorrow, he said. So, Roshi asked. NBA players always stay at this hotel, maybe we'll see someone, he said. That's what you're thinking about right now, she asked. Sorry, he said.

They got to the room. It was a suite. Marble floor bathrooms, a sitting area with sofa, King bed, and a balcony. Dev opened the balcony door as they looked out at the mountain range and city lights. Look at that view, he said. I am, she said. Dev looked at Roshi to see she was looking at him.

She pulled his arm back into the room as they went to the bed. As they sat on the bed they started kissing. Roshi took Dev's jacket off. He started kissing her neck while she played with his hair.

I've thought about this so many times, she said. I want you to touch me everywhere, I want you to kiss me everywhere, she said. He continued to kiss her. Baby tell me what you want, she asked. He didn't say anything. Are you okay, she asked. Yeah, he said lost in thought. What is it, she asked. I don't know, I'm just nervous or something, he said as he paced around the room.

Sorry, sorry, he said. It's okay, she said. No it isn't, he said. I wanted this to be perfect, and I'm completely ruining it, he said. Dev, she said. He looked at her. She tapped on the bed. He sat next to her.

What's wrong, she asked, did you change your mind. No, I want this, he said. I'm just overthinking it, he said. Roshi was getting used to the fact that Dev overthought everything. What do you need, just tell me, she asked. You've been thinking about this for so long, what if it isn't good, he said.

There's no way it couldn't be good, she said, I melt when you just look at me. What can I do, she said. Nothing, he said frustrated. Roshi got into the bed, with all her clothes still on. Come on, she said to Dev. Roshi, I don't, he started. Come on, she said holding her hand out. He took it and laid beside her.  

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