Chapter 2

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You did what, Peyton screeched. I said no, Roshi replied. Why would you do that, Belle returned. Because I don't like him that way, Roshi said. Belle and Peyton exchanged confused glances. What, Roshi asked. He's perfect, Belle said. Why, cause he's Indian, Roshi asked sarcastically. No, Belle said simultaneously as Peyton trailed off with a, well.

Roshi laughed. Here I thought one of us was finally going to get a boyfriend, Peyton said disappointed. There's still time for you, Roshi returned. Dev then walked into the cafeteria as he waved at various people, Roshi included. She waved back.

So he's not mad, Belle asked. Why would he be mad, Roshi asked. Because you rejected him, Belle said. Roshi started laughing. Reject is extreme, I just said no, Roshi said. She then looked over her shoulder at Dev's table. Besides, I think he'll get over it, Roshi said. The group looked to see Kaya telling Dev a story, to which he seemed to enjoy.

Seeing Kaya flirt with Dev didn't dissuade Peyton and Belle, who for some reason were determined to open Roshi's eyes to the great guy she was missing out on. They spent the rest of the lunch hour pouring on the stories of how caring and amazing Dev was.

Apparently he had a natural philanthropic nature, but since he had joined after the school year had already started he couldn't run for office to instill any real change. Unofficially Mitch let Dev attend the student body meetings and offer suggestions.

One of them being organizing a volunteer group to meet at a senior citizen home once a week. Roshi countered that he was just doing that to add to his college applications. Belle countered with seeing Dev in gym stop some kids who were bullying a freshman, which couldn't be put on a college application. Roshi had no rebuttal for that.

She knew Dev was a great guy, and that's why she liked him as a friend, but she just didn't have any romantic feelings for him and couldn't picture dating him. She felt it cruel to date him and "see where it goes" when she would go into it with the mentality of not seeing it work out.

Even though Dev was clearly not upset, Roshi assumed at the very least their study sessions would be over. But Dev said he'd get over his crush eventually and they didn't need to make it awkward by never speaking again. So the after school hang outs at Dev's house continued to happen.

After a few weeks, Dev and Roshi eventually got to a place of genuine friendship. She was able to talk to him comfortably like she could with Peyton and Belle and no longer be nervous. She'd even tell him the stuff they'd tell her about him.

They were studying at Dev's house one day when she was regaling him with a tale. Peyton told me another "Dev story" today, Roshi said. Oh yeah what is it, Dev asked amused. So you're in the same Human Physiology class right, she asked. Dev nodded. So she and Belle were doing a presentation on carbs, Roshi said.

Yeah I remember, he said smiling. And I guess some girls were laughing at them so you turned around in your seat and said, Roshi started but Dev finished the sentence. Maybe you guys should pay attention then next time you don't have to do an homage of Lady Gaga songs and it can actually be relevant to the human anatomy, Dev concluded.

Roshi laughed. You actually said that, Roshi practically screamed at Dev. That girl's in love with me so I can get away with it, he smirked. You're such a jerk, Roshi replied. Dev laughed. They continued to hold the gaze. What, Dev ultimately asked. Nothing, Roshi said. They kept looking at each other. What, Roshi asked. Nothing, Dev said.

You know, if we hold this gaze for 4 minutes, science says you might fall in love with me, Dev said. Really, Roshi pondered. Should we test this hypothesis, he asked. I'm down, she said. They continued to hold the gaze for another minute, when Dev abruptly looked away. Ahhh, what happened, you don't want me to fall in love with you, Roshi teased.

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