Chapter 25

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The next morning, or technically the same morning just 7 hours later, Roshi woke up. She saw she was now laying on the right side of the bed, facing the window. The clock on the nightstand showed it was past noon.

She rolled over to see Dev asleep on his stomach, with his back facing her. She knew they wouldn't hold that position all night. In the moment it felt romantic, but practically speaking wasn't that comfortable.

She stared at his bare back and shoulders. It was so tight and muscular. God, he was so hot. She couldn't believe her damn luck that he picked her. She still had a sneaky suspicion that it was because she was Indian, but whatever it was she recognized how blessed she was that he came into her life.

She lightly grazed her fingers across his back. She barely touched his shoulder and brushed it across when he started stirring. She immediately stopped.

He yawned and then turned his head to face her. Hey, he said. Sorry, did I wake you, she asked. I'm a light sleeper, he said. Sorry, she said again. What were you doing, he asked. This, she said as she gently grazed her fingers across his back again.

That's nice, he said as he closed his eyes. She moved in closer to him. Can I keep doing it, she asked. Yeah, he said. She continued to move her fingers across his upper back. He didn't open his eyes, but sighed softly. Am I bothering you, she asked. No, he said, let me wake up. He was about to turn over when she stopped him. Stay like this, she said. She kissed the side of his face.

His arms were bent over his head, on top of the pillow as he rested. As Roshi put her right hand on the back of his neck to lean in more closely to kiss him, there was a knock at the door. She immediately stopped. Dev turned over and put a finger to his mouth. After a moment they didn't hear anything and assumed the staff left.

But then there was another knock. Dev, they heard call out. It was Mrs. Patel. Complete and utter panic went across Roshi's face. Dev indicated for Roshi to stay calm. The hotel said you missed check-out, everything okay, open the door, Mrs. Patel said.

Dev jumped out of the bed and scrambled to get his clothes on. Just a second mom, he said. Roshi got out of the bed and quietly did the same. She grabbed her duffel bag and Dev motioned for her to hide in the main room, so she ran in. After she was gone, Dev opened the front door.

Mrs. Patel walked in. Hey, he said. Everything okay, she asked. Yeah I was just sleeping, he said. Mrs. Patel assessed the room. A bit of a mess, but nothing out of the ordinary. Where's Cash and Warren, she asked. Uh, they must have left already, he said.

I tried calling you, she said. Yeah my phone died, Dev said quickly. Mrs. Patel noticed his agitated state. I'll wait in the lobby, get ready then we can check-out, she said. Okay, he said. She left the room. Dev peered through the peep-hole to make sure Mrs. Patel really left. Once she did, he went into the main room.

Rosh, he quietly said. Roshi came out of the closet. I'm so sorry, I didn't know she was going to come, he said. Do you think she believed you, she asked. I don't know, she looked confused, he said. Roshi shook her head. Her nightmare came true. A variation of it anyway.

Roshi managed to leave the hotel unseen as she waited 10 minutes before exiting the room after Dev. She took a side exit, so she didn't see them leave through the main lobby. She took an Uber home, that dropped her off a block away, and walked the rest of the way. Her parents didn't even notice when she got home and asked no questions after she did.

The days of October quickly flew by and everyone had seemingly forgotten how hot the summer was as they were complaining about the chilliness of the fall. Roshi loved the fall. The leaves changing colors. The moderate temperatures where you could wear big sweaters and scarves.

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