Chapter 8

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Roshi and the rest of the band got to the hotel and checked into their rooms. In her room it was her, Peyton, Belle, and the only freshman in the Symphonic Band. Roshi did her best to make sure the freshman didn't feel excluded so she continually talked to her and also offered to share a bed with her.

That night everyone went to the pool. Roshi was feeling self conscious wearing a bathing suit in front of her classmates so she wore a T-Shirt over her suit. But after she got there the hotel staff told her she couldn't go in the water in her clothes.

She told Peyton and Belle she was going to go back to the room, but they both convinced her to just take her T-Shirt off and join them. She did and played pool volleyball with the others.


Down in Las Vegas, Dev and his friends checked into Caesar's Palace. His friends were convinced they were going to have their own version of The Hangover that night. Considering they were barely 18 and couldn't even drink he highly doubted that.

As they were standing in line to check in Cash was scrolling through his Instagram feed. Damn, band nerds got it going on, Cash said. The word "band" got Dev's interest. What are you talking about, Dev asked as nonchalantly as possible.

Look at what some of these girls are hiding underneath the clunky sweaters, Cash said. He showed Dev the Instagram video. It showed the kids playing in the pool. One of them was Roshi. In her one piece swimsuit. She and another guy attempted to hit the volleyball at the same time and ran into each other. They both started laughing as he checked her head to make sure she was okay. Dev didn't like what he saw.


The girls came back to their rooms and took turns taking showers. Roshi grabbed her phone as she sat on the floor, not wanting to get the bed wet. She saw the multiple missed calls from Dev. No texts though. She freaked out thinking something bad happened.

She went into the hallway as she called him back. He picked up after the first ring. Hey, are you okay, she said frantic. What, yeah, I'm fine, he said totally calm. She let out a sigh of relief. Okay, good, she said, I saw all your missed calls so I freaked out a little. What's going on, she asked.

Where are you, he asked. I'm at the hotel, she said. At the pool, he asked. No we just left, I'm back at the room, she started then paused. Wait, how did you know that, she asked. I saw an Instagram video, he said. Oh, she said laughing, I saw Tyler taking a video I didn't know he posted it. Did you see me on it, am I famous now, she said laughing. Yeah I saw you, Dev said seriously.

Sensing his somber tone, Roshi changed her attitude. Are you okay, she asked. Who's that guy that you ran into, he asked. Roshi didn't know who he meant. I don't know, she said. You and some guy both tried to spike the ball and then you ran into each other. He checked your head, Dev explained.

Oh, Kip, he's a clarinet, she said. Does he have like a crush on you or something, he asked. Roshi laughed. Yeah right, she said. I saw the way he was looking at you, he continued. He was just messing around, she said. Checking your forehead, that's a bit much, Dev said.

It was just a joke, she said. She waited to hear Dev's response, but he didn't say anything. Hello, she asked. Still no response. Are you jealous, she finally asked. I don't like the thought of you being close with other guys, he said quietly.

Close, it was like two seconds, she said somewhat laughing. He was touching you, Dev said. When Kaya flirts with you at school she does way more than touch your forehead, Roshi said. That's different, he said. Why, because you're a guy, she said annoyed. No, because you don't care, he said.

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