Chapter 26

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It was the next day at school and everyone was in the cafeteria eating lunch. As Dev and his group finished they walked by Roshi's table. Dev stopped unexpectedly. Hey Roshi, he said. Hi, she said back.

Dev's group was in shock watching this unfold, as were Peyton and Belle. As far as they all knew Dev and Roshi hadn't spoken to each other in months. Are you going to the dance next week, he asked. Yeah I'm going with Belle and Peyton, she said.

Not with a date, he asked. No, she said, are you. I don't know, he said. Dev it's been 3 months it's okay for you to move on, she said. You wouldn't care if I went with someone, he asked. Nope, in fact, why don't you go with, Belle, she said.

What, Belle asked alarmed. What, Dev echoed. You guys were friends before, you shouldn't stop being friends because we broke up, go with Belle, Roshi suggested. Uh, Dev started. What are you doing, Belle asked Roshi. At this point many people in the cafeteria were watching the drama unfold.

We all need to move on, Roshi said responding to Belle's question. I mean, if you're cool with it, Dev asked Belle. Uh, Belle said looking at everyone staring at her waiting for her to respond. She turned to Peyton who offered no advice and was just as stunned as her.

Okay, Belle ultimately said. Great, I'll text you, Dev said casually. Belle nodded. As Dev and his group walked out, the cafeteria was buzzing in a frenzy. What the hell was that, Belle asked. I need to tell you guys something, Roshi said.

That afternoon in International Club Roshi came clean and told Belle and Peyton everything. She told them that she and Dev did break up for a month over the summer, but then after she came back from India they got back together and just didn't tell anyone.

How could you not tell us, Peyton screeched. Dev asked me not to, Roshi said. And now he's okay with it, Belle asked. He doesn't know I told you, she said. Lying to your man, Peyton teased. Shoosh, Roshi said trying to keep their conversation quiet to avoid eavesdropping.

You can't tell anyone, Roshi said. Girl you know we got you, Peyton said. So that whole thing in the cafeteria was fake, Belle asked. Roshi nodded. You could have told me that before, Belle said. I wanted honest reactions, Roshi said smiling. That was pretty good, Peyton laughed.

But why did you tell Dev to ask me out and not Peyton, Belle asked. Uh, Roshi started. She turned to Peyton who looked away awkwardly. Peyton quickly figured out the reason Belle was the target. Roshi didn't want to "out" Belle, so she he had to think fast.

Because I couldn't trust Peyton around Dev, Roshi said. Smart, Peyton quickly piled on. Belle glanced back and forth between the two of them and accepted that answer, as they all laughed.

Typically when it came to American clothes Roshi's mom didn't feel the need to spend a lot of money. Which never made sense to Roshi since they lived in America and she needed those clothes more often than she needed Indian clothes.

So she fully expected her mom to tell her to re-use her Junior Prom dress for Homecoming but shockingly her mom gave her $50 and said she could get a new dress. It took some work but she was able to find one at Macy's within her budget. Peyton picked her up and the two went to the dance together.

Belle was getting picked up by Dev, in a limo, and was going to be with his group all night, including Kaya and her date. There were so many boys at school in love with Kaya, except for Dev, so there were plenty sitting around waiting for Kaya in hopes that she'd pick them if it didn't work out with Dev. So even at the last minute she got a top date in the QB on the football team.

Peyton and Roshi got to the dance a good 90 minutes after it started. And luckily it was well crowded at that point. Including Dev and his group. Roshi could see Belle dancing with Dev, which for whatever reason Roshi found hilarious. Belle saw Roshi and Peyton walk in, and just ran away from Dev, mid dance to come greet them at the entrance.

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