Chapter 16

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After minutes had passed Roshi finally opened her eyes. She looked at the alarm clock on the bed side table. 9:34pm. Dev, Dev, she said tapping on his back.  What, he asked. It's 9:34pm, we should go. Already, we just got here, he said.

We need to be seen at the dance again, otherwise everyone is gonna know we bounced, she said. He groaned as he buried his head into the side of the bed.

Roshi was in the bathroom as she was washing her face. Her body had sweat everywhere. She debated on taking a shower but decided there was no time for that and quickly toweled off.

Dev was sitting on the edge of the bed putting on his socks and shoes. Roshi was looking in the floor length mirror as she got into her dress. Dev came and zipped it up. He hugged her from behind and looked through the mirror as he spoke to her.

I know this night probably didn't end up the way you expected, he said. Yeah, it was better, she interrupted. He kissed the top of her head.

They exited the room and were so fully engrossed in each other. Roshi was hanging onto Dev's arm as if she needed it to walk. Their fingers were interwined as they made their way to the elevator. She kept leaning into him, wanting to soak all of him in. He was trying to figure out a way to be closer to her, while still being respectful in public.

The elevator opened and they walked in still utterly infatuated with one another. Prom, they heard someone ask. They looked over to see someone else was in the elevator. Not just anyone else. But LeBron James. Holy shit, Dev said. You're LeBron James, Roshi said. Yeah I am, he said. Dev and Roshi started laughing.

I told you the NBA players stay here, Dev told Roshi. We're big fans, Roshi said. Thank you, do you wanna picture, he asked. Oh my god, that would be amazing, Roshi said. Dev pulled out his phone and they took a selfie. I can't wait to tell everyone we met you, Dev said.

Roshi's face then fell. We can't tell anyone, she said. Why not, Dev asked. Roshi raised an eyebrow. Oh shit, Dev said. He'd completely forgotten that coming to the Grand America was a secret and only Belle knew they were doing this.

Why can't you tell anyone, LeBron asked. Well, Dev started. Oh wait I get it, Prom night, snuck off to go to a hotel for a while, but no one knows you're here, he asked. Something like that, Roshi said. Hm, LeBron said.

The elevator doors opened and some Japanese tourists entered. So you're going back to the Prom now, LeBron asked. They nodded. How are you getting back, LeBron asked. Uber, Dev said. I have a car, you can take it if you want, LeBron offered.

That would be awesome, but then everyone would know we met you, Dev said. Don't you think everyone is going to wonder where you've been all night, how are you going to explain that, LeBron asked. We'll say we went for a walk, Roshi said. I have a better idea, LeBron offered.

It was the end of the night and the Prom was winding down as many people had left. Some of Dev's friends were still there wondering where Dev was. They tried texting him and got no response. Suddenly a response from Dev came in. He's saying to meet him outside, Cash announced.

Curious a swarm of people went outside to see what was going on. Pulling up in a limo was Dev and Roshi as they waved from the roof. The car parked and Dev and Roshi got out. Where did you get a limo, his friend asked. LeBron then exited the car. Hey Y'all, he said. Everyone freaked out.

What is going on, Cash asked. Roshi and I were taking a walk around the Capitol when we saw this limo pull up, Dev said. I was taking a tour of Salt Lake and thought I'd check out the Capitol building, LeBron said, then I saw these two and we've been driving around the city. Everyone again exclaimed at the excitement.

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