Chapter 14

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At dinner they were all sitting in the formal dining room. Roshi remembered when she and Dev would come in here and study. Those days feel so long ago now. They sat side-by-side while her parents sat across from them. Mr. and Mrs. Patel sat at each head of the table.

Dev put his chair impossibly close to hers. She felt it was super obvious but her parents didn't seem to notice as they were engrossed in conversation. They also didn't notice the under-the-table PDA Dev was initiating. While seated, Roshi's skirt came up above her knee and Dev kept putting his hand on that knee. She crossed her legs to move her knee away from him, but it didn't help as her skirt just came up higher allowing him to now touch her upper thigh.

She subtly gave him a look. He acted innocently as if he didn't know what he was doing. Roshi, Mrs. Patel started. Roshi immediately pushed Dev's hand off her leg. Yeah, she said. How are your SATs going, Mrs. Patel asked. Oh, I haven't taken those, Roshi said. What, Mrs. Patel said alarmed, it's the end of your junior year and you haven't taken the SAT yet.

ACT is more common in Utah, Roshi told Mr. Patel. But you're not going to school in Utah you'll go somewhere else, Mr. Patel said. Before Roshi could say anything her dad spoke up. Roshi's going to the University of Utah, Mr. Kumaran said. You are, Dev asked. It's a good value, Roshi said.

You're smart beta, you'll get a scholarship; you can do better than the University of Utah, Mrs. Patel said. It's not just affordable, if she goes there she can live at home, Mrs. Kumaran said. You can't keep her in your house forever Ganesh, she needs to go live her life, Mr. Patel started, Dev will go wherever he wants to go.

That's different, Mr. Kumaran started, Roshi's a girl. What, Dev asked. Roshi hit his leg under the table to get Dev to be quiet. I don't need to worry about this for another year, Roshi said. Not really, Mr. Patel said, you need to apply for schools in the fall so you should start making a plan over the summer.

She'll get a full scholarship to University of Utah and stay with us, that's the plan, Mr. Kumaran said. I can't believe you didn't tell me this, Dev said. It's a year away, Roshi said. So now I have to go to the U also, Dev asked. Why do you need to go to the same college as her, Mrs. Kumaran asked. Roshi's face fell.

Roshi and Dev looked at each other panicked. Roshi jumped in. Because if I don't help him with his Calculus he'll definitely fail, Roshi said as she awkwardly laughed. Mrs. Patel sighed. Really, are we still pretending, Mrs. Patel said. Sunitha, Mr. Patel said sternly.

Still pretending what, Mr. Kumaran asked. Nothing, nothing, Mr. Patel said. These two are dating, Mrs. Patel said. What, Mrs. Kumaran nearly shouted. Roshi's throat dropped into her stomach. No we're not, Dev quickly said. So Roshi didn't go to that party you went to last night, Mrs. Patel asked.

Roshi went to a movie last night with her friends, Mr. Kumaran said. Really, Mrs. Patel asked. Roshi's face flushed red. Roshi looked around the table at all the faces staring at her. She forgot how to speak.

Beta, it's okay, Mrs. Patel said, you don't need to lie anymore. I went to a party, Roshi quietly said as she looked at her lap. Mr. Patel sighed, shaking his head at Mrs. Patel. You lied to us, Mrs. Kumaran asked. Roshi nodded pathetically.

I can't believe this, Mr. Kumaran said. There was a short pause when he spoke again. It doesn't matter now, this is done, Mr. Kumaran said. Roshi expected that. We can't keep them apart, they go to the same school, Mrs. Patel said. Roshi will transfer, Mr. Kumaran said. Appa, Roshi said.

What is wrong with my son, Mrs. Patel asked insulted, but calm. Mom, Dev said mortified. It's fine beta, Mrs. Patel continued. What's wrong with him, Mrs. Patel asked again. Nothing is wrong with Dev, Mr. Kumaran said. Then what's the problem, Mrs. Patel asked.

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